Current status and information for organizers

Posted by Unknown Senin, 30 Januari 2012 0 komentar
In order to have an entry point for every participant we've created
We'd like to set links to all locations available on this blog.
Please send us the link to you local event web site/registration form within the next 36 hours so that we can link it on the global blog.

Also there are Google Plus pages for the Global Android Dev Camp as well as some local groups:
Feel free to create your own social media channels for swift updates.
Let Global Android Dev Camp know that you are out there and we'll share a circle with all locations.

Global sponsors
Are there sponsors that want to provide sponsoring to the global community?
Sponsoring could be i.g. licenses, swag...
Please let me know if you have a potential global sponsor at hand.

So far, we have ebooks from O'Reilly and there are talks with Paypal, Sony Ericsson and HTC.

First of all, I'd like to inform you that projects can now be globally registered.
The advantage of registering a project online is, that people can work on the same projects without actually having to be at the same location.

You can see registerd projects here and register your project using this form.
Please spread the word to your local community.

If there are any participants who want to join an already existing project please ask them to mention it in your local registration form.

We've also created a global schedule where important Hangouts and start & end-times can be registered for each location.
Iproject members or sponsors have interesting information that they want to share with the global community, this is the place to look for scheduled Hangouts.
Also ongoing Hangouts can be registered. Please provide a link to the profile hosting the Hangout with your schedule entry.
Please take note that Hangouts can only be scheduled on the hour i.g. 12 o'clock, 1 o'clock...

To register your Hangout, post your proposed time to Google Plus, mentioning Global Android Dev Camp. The managers of this page will take care of the final scheduling.

In order to register your location to the DevCamp please use this form.
Also updating your location's status can be done here. We'll sort out the duplicates and will be using the newest entries.
Please check the status of your location and update it, so that participants know where they can hack during the Dev Camp.

Only locations with a status different to "Interested" will be listed as local events.

If you want to use the corporate design for your location feel free to download and use the Global Android DevCamp Webkit created by Marie Schweiz.

We'd like to vote the best app after the Dev Camp. To achieve this we've decided to use
You'll get more information on this topic as the Camp comes closer.

Feel free to contact me, write to this list or Global Android Dev Camp, if you have further questions.

Let's rock this Dev Camp,

Anika, Ben, Friedger, Stevie

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Giving the global dev camp a cute face

Posted by Unknown Jumat, 20 Januari 2012 0 komentar
Marie Schweiz, the creator of the great logo for the GTUG community weekend in 2011, once again took the time to create another awesome logo especially for the Global Android Dev Camp 2012. 

Even more awesome: She provides every location with the graphics source file so YOU can build your own version for the international Dev Camp!

Create your own Android

You can download the package here.

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50 Registered User Groups so far

Posted by Unknown Selasa, 10 Januari 2012 0 komentar
So far, there are 50 user groups registered that are interested in taking part in the global Android dev camp. They come from all continents (only Oceania is missing). Five groups have already confirmed and booked a location.

Global Android Dev Camp 2012 Locations on a bigger map

Please spread the word! If your user group is not registered please leave a comment below.

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