Process Stats: Understanding How Your App Uses RAM

Posted by Unknown Jumat, 31 Januari 2014 0 komentar

By Dianne Hackborn, Android framework team

Android 4.4 KitKat introduced a new system service called procstats that helps you better understand how your app is using the RAM resources on a device. Procstats makes it possible to see how your app is behaving over time — including how long it runs in the background and how much memory it uses during that time. It helps you quickly find inefficiencies and misbehaviors in your app that can affect how it performs, especially when running on low-RAM devices.

You can access procstats data using an adb shell command, but for convenience there is also a new Process Stats developer tool that provides a graphical front-end to that same data. You can find Process Stats in Settings > Developer options > Process Stats.

In this post we’ll first take a look at the Process Stats graphical tool, then dig into the details of the memory data behind it, how it's collected, and why it's so useful to you as you analyze your app.

Process Stats overview of memory used by background processes over time.

Looking at systemwide memory use and background processes

When you open Process Stats, you see a summary of systemwide memory conditions and details on how processes are using memory over time. The image at right gives you an example of what you might see on a typical device.

At the top of the screen we can see that:

  • We are looking at that data collected over the last ~3.5 hours.

  • Currently the device’s RAM is in good shape ("Device memory is currently normal").

  • During that entire time the memory state has been good — this is shown by the green bar. If device memory was getting low, you would see yellow and red regions on the left of the bar representing the amount of total time with low memory.

Below the green bar, we can see an overview of the processes running in the background and the memory load they've put on the system:

  • The percentage numbers on the right indicate the amount of time each process has spent running during the total duration.

  • The blue bars indicate the relative computed memory load of each process. (The memory load is runtime*avg_pss, which we will go into more detail on later.)

  • Some apps may be listed multiple times, since what is being shown is processes (for example, Google Play services runs in two processes). The memory load of these apps is the sum of the load of their individual processes.

  • There are a few processes at the top that have all been running for 100% of the time, but with different weights because of their relative memory use.

Analyzing memory for specific processes

The example shows some interesting data: we have a Clock app with a higher memory weight than Google Keyboard, even though it ran for less than half the time. We can dig into the details of these processes just by tapping on them:

Process Stats memory details for Clock and Keyboard processes over the past 3.5 hours.

The details for these two processes reveal that:

  • The reason that Clock has been running at all is because it is being used as the current screen saver when the device is idle.

  • Even though the Clock process ran for less than half the time of the Keyboard, its ram use was significantly larger (almost 3x), which is why its overall weight is larger.

Essentially, procstats provides a “memory use” gauge that's much like the storage use or data use gauges, showing how much RAM the apps running in the background are using. Unlike with storage or data, though, memory use is much harder to quantify and measure, and procstats uses some tricks to do so. To illustrate the complexity of measuring memory use, consider a related topic: task managers.

Understanding task managers and their memory info

We’ve had a long history of task managers on Android. Android has always deeply supported multitasking, which means the geeky of us will tend to want to have some kind of UI for seeing and controlling this multitasking like the traditional UI we are used to from the desktop. However, multitasking on Android is actually quite a bit more complicated and fundamentally different than on a traditional desktop operating system, as I previously covered in Multitasking the Android Way. This deeply impacts how we can show it to the user.

Multitasking and continuous process management

To get a feel for just how different process management is on Android, you can take a look at the output of an important system service, the activity manager, with adb shell dumpsys activity. The example below shows a snapshot of current application processes on Android 4.4, listing them from most important to least:

ACTIVITY MANAGER RUNNING PROCESSES (dumpsys activity processes)
Process LRU list (sorted by oom_adj, 22 total, non-act at 2, non-svc at 2):
PERS #21: sys F/ /P trm: 0 23064:system/1000 (fixed)
PERS #20: pers F/ /P trm: 0 (fixed)
PERS #19: pers F/ /P trm: 0 23344:com.nuance.xt9.input/u0a77 (fixed)
PERS #18: pers F/ /P trm: 0 (fixed)
PERS #17: pers F/ /P trm: 0 (fixed)
Proc # 3: fore F/ /IB trm: 0 (service)<=Proc{23064:system/1000}
Proc # 2: fore F/ /IB trm: 0 (provider)<=Proc{}
Proc # 0: fore F/A/T trm: 0 (top-activity)
Proc # 4: vis F/ /IF trm: 0 (service)<=Proc{23064:system/1000}
Proc #14: prcp F/ /IF trm: 0 (service)<=Proc{23064:system/1000}
Proc # 1: home B/ /HO trm: 0 (home)
Proc #16: cch B/ /CA trm: 0 (cch-act)
Proc # 6: cch B/ /CE trm: 0 (cch-empty)
Proc # 5: cch B/ /CE trm: 0 (cch-empty)
Proc # 8: cch+2 B/ /CE trm: 0 (cch-empty)
Proc # 7: cch+2 B/ /CE trm: 0 (cch-empty)
Proc #10: cch+4 B/ /CE trm: 0 (cch-empty)
Proc # 9: cch+4 B/ /CE trm: 0 (cch-empty)
Proc #15: cch+6 B/ /S trm: 0 (cch-started-services)
Proc #13: cch+6 B/ /CE trm: 0 (cch-empty)
Proc #12: cch+6 B/ /S trm: 0 (cch-started-services)
Proc #11: cch+6 B/ /CE trm: 0 (cch-empty)

Example output of dumpsys activity command, showing all processes currently running.

There are a few major groups of processes here — persistent system processes, the foreground processes, background processes, and finally cached processes — and the category of a process is extremely important for understanding its impact on the system.

At the same time, processes on this list change all of the time. For example, in the snapshot above we can see that “” is currently an important process, but that is because it is doing a background sync, something the user would not generally be aware of or want to manage.

Snapshotting per-process RAM use

The traditional use of a task manager is closely tied to RAM use, and Android provides a tool called meminfo for looking at a snapshot of current per-process RAM use. You can access it with the command adb shell dumpsys meminfo. Here's an example of the output.

Total PSS by OOM adjustment:
31841 kB: Native
13173 kB: zygote (pid 23001)
4372 kB: surfaceflinger (pid 23000)
3721 kB: mediaserver (pid 126)
3317 kB: glgps (pid 22993)
1656 kB: drmserver (pid 125)
995 kB: wpa_supplicant (pid 23148)
786 kB: netd (pid 121)
518 kB: sdcard (pid 132)
475 kB: vold (pid 119)
458 kB: keystore (pid 128)
448 kB: /init (pid 1)
412 kB: adbd (pid 134)
254 kB: ueventd (pid 108)
238 kB: dhcpcd (pid 10617)
229 kB: tf_daemon (pid 130)
200 kB: installd (pid 127)
185 kB: dumpsys (pid 14207)
144 kB: healthd (pid 117)
139 kB: debuggerd (pid 122)
121 kB: servicemanager (pid 118)
48217 kB: System
48217 kB: system (pid 23064)
49095 kB: Persistent
34012 kB: (pid 23163 / activities)
7719 kB: (pid 23357)
4676 kB: (pid 23371)
2688 kB: com.nuance.xt9.input (pid 23344)
24945 kB: Foreground
24945 kB: (pid 24811 / activities)
17136 kB: Visible
14026 kB: (pid 23472)
3110 kB: (pid 13976)
6911 kB: Perceptible
6911 kB: (pid 23298)
14277 kB: A Services
14277 kB: (pid 23513)
26422 kB: Home
26422 kB: (pid 23395 / activities)
21798 kB: B Services
16242 kB: (pid 23767)
5556 kB: (pid 7738)
145869 kB: Cached
41588 kB: (pid 24689)
21417 kB: (pid 23966 / activities)
14463 kB: (pid 8644)
14303 kB: (pid 9115)
11014 kB: (pid 7716)
10688 kB: (pid 13892)
10240 kB: (pid 23338)
9882 kB: (pid 5131)
8807 kB: (pid 8937)
3467 kB: (pid 8922)

Total RAM: 998096 kB
Free RAM: 574945 kB (145869 cached pss + 393200 cached + 35876 free)
Used RAM: 392334 kB (240642 used pss + 107196 buffers + 3856 shmem + 40640 slab)
Lost RAM: 30817 kB
Tuning: 64 (large 384), oom 122880 kB, restore limit 40960 kB (high-end-gfx)

Example output of dumpsys meminfo command, showing memory currently used by running processes.

We are now looking at the same processes as above, again organized by importance, but now with on their impact on RAM use.

Usually when we measure RAM use in Android, we do this with Linux’s PSS (Proportional Set Size) metric. This is the amount of RAM actually mapped into the process, but weighted by the amount it is shared across processes. So if there is a 4K page of RAM mapped in to two processes, its PSS amount for each process would be 2K.

The nice thing about using PSS is that you can add up this value across all processes to determine the actual total RAM use. This characteristic is used at the end of the meminfo report to compute how much RAM is in use (which comes in part from all non-cached processes), versus how much is "free" (which includes cached processes).

Task-manager style memory info, showing a snapshot of memory used by running apps.

Task manager UI based on PSS snapshot

Given the information we have so far, we can imagine various ways to present this in a somewhat traditional task manager UI. In fact, the UI you see in Settings > Apps > Running is derived from this information. It shows all processes running services (“svc” adjustment in the LRU list) and on behalf of the system (the processes with a “<=Proc{489:system/1000}” dependency), computing the PSS RAM for each of these and any other processes they have dependencies on.

The problem with visualizing memory use in this way is that it gives you the instantaneous state of the apps, without context over time. On Android, users don’t directly control the creation and removal of application processes — they may be kept for future use, removed when the system decides, or run in the background without the user explicitly launching them. So looking only at the instantaneous state of memory use only, you would be missing important information about what is actually going on over time.

For example, in our first look at the process state we see the process running for a sync, but when we collected the RAM use right after that it was no longer running in the background but just being kept around as an old cached process.

To address this problem, the new procstats tool continually monitors the state of all application processes over time, aggregating that information and collecting PSS samples from those processes while doing so. You can view the raw data being collected by procstats with the command adb shell dumpsys procstats.

Seeing memory use over time with procstats

Let’s now go back to procstats and take a look at the context it provides by showing memory use over time. We can use the command adb shell dumpsys procstats --hours 3 to output memory information collected over the last 3 hours. This is the same data as represented graphically in the first Process Stats example.

The output shows all of the processes that have run in the last 3 hours, sorted with the ones running the most first. (Processes in a cached state don’t count for the total time in this sort.) Like the initial graphical representation, we now clearly see a big group of processes that run all of the time, and then some that run occasionally — this includes the Magazines process, which we can now see ran for 3.6% of the time over the last 3 hours.

  * / u0a57:
TOTAL: 100% (6.4MB-6.7MB-6.8MB/5.4MB-5.4MB-5.4MB over 21)
Imp Fg: 100% (6.4MB-6.7MB-6.8MB/5.4MB-5.4MB-5.4MB over 21)
* / u0a8:
TOTAL: 100% (12MB-13MB-14MB/10MB-11MB-12MB over 211)
Imp Fg: 0.11%
Imp Bg: 0.83% (13MB-13MB-13MB/11MB-11MB-11MB over 1)
Service: 99% (12MB-13MB-14MB/10MB-11MB-12MB over 210)
* / u0a12:
TOTAL: 100% (29MB-32MB-34MB/26MB-29MB-30MB over 21)
Persistent: 100% (29MB-32MB-34MB/26MB-29MB-30MB over 21)
* / 1001:
TOTAL: 100% (6.5MB-7.1MB-7.6MB/5.4MB-5.9MB-6.4MB over 21)
Persistent: 100% (6.5MB-7.1MB-7.6MB/5.4MB-5.9MB-6.4MB over 21)
* com.nuance.xt9.input / u0a77:
TOTAL: 100% (2.3MB-2.5MB-2.7MB/1.5MB-1.5MB-1.5MB over 21)
Persistent: 100% (2.3MB-2.5MB-2.7MB/1.5MB-1.5MB-1.5MB over 21)
* / 1027:
TOTAL: 100% (4.2MB-4.5MB-4.6MB/3.2MB-3.2MB-3.3MB over 21)
Persistent: 100% (4.2MB-4.5MB-4.6MB/3.2MB-3.2MB-3.3MB over 21)
* / u0a8:
TOTAL: 100% (13MB-13MB-14MB/10MB-11MB-11MB over 21)
Imp Fg: 100% (13MB-13MB-14MB/10MB-11MB-11MB over 21)
* system / 1000:
TOTAL: 100% (42MB-46MB-56MB/39MB-42MB-48MB over 21)
Persistent: 100% (42MB-46MB-56MB/39MB-42MB-48MB over 21)
* / u0a35:
TOTAL: 100% (16MB-16MB-16MB/14MB-14MB-14MB over 17)
Service: 100% (16MB-16MB-16MB/14MB-14MB-14MB over 17)
* / u0a13:
TOTAL: 77% (25MB-26MB-27MB/22MB-23MB-24MB over 73)
Top: 77% (25MB-26MB-27MB/22MB-23MB-24MB over 73)
(Home): 23% (25MB-26MB-26MB/23MB-23MB-24MB over 12)
* / u0a6:
TOTAL: 48% (5.0MB-5.3MB-5.5MB/4.0MB-4.2MB-4.2MB over 11)
Imp Fg: 0.00%
Imp Bg: 0.00%
Service: 48% (5.0MB-5.3MB-5.5MB/4.0MB-4.2MB-4.2MB over 11)
Receiver: 0.00%
(Cached): 22% (4.1MB-4.5MB-4.8MB/3.0MB-3.5MB-3.8MB over 8)
* / u0a36:
TOTAL: 42% (20MB-21MB-21MB/18MB-19MB-19MB over 8)
Imp Fg: 42% (20MB-21MB-21MB/18MB-19MB-19MB over 8)
Service: 0.00%
Receiver: 0.01%
(Cached): 58% (17MB-20MB-21MB/16MB-18MB-19MB over 14)
* / 1000:
TOTAL: 23% (19MB-22MB-28MB/15MB-19MB-24MB over 31)
Top: 23% (19MB-22MB-28MB/15MB-19MB-24MB over 31)
(Last Act): 77% (9.7MB-14MB-20MB/7.5MB-11MB-18MB over 8)
(Cached): 0.02%
* / u0a59:
TOTAL: 3.6% (10MB-10MB-10MB/8.7MB-9.0MB-9.0MB over 6)
Imp Bg: 0.03%
Service: 3.6% (10MB-10MB-10MB/8.7MB-9.0MB-9.0MB over 6)
(Cached): 17% (9.9MB-10MB-10MB/8.7MB-8.9MB-9.0MB over 5)
* / u0a5:
TOTAL: 1.4% (2.7MB-3.0MB-3.0MB/1.9MB-1.9MB-1.9MB over 7)
Top: 1.2% (3.0MB-3.0MB-3.0MB/1.9MB-1.9MB-1.9MB over 6)
Imp Fg: 0.19% (2.7MB-2.7MB-2.7MB/1.9MB-1.9MB-1.9MB over 1)
Service: 0.00%
(Cached): 15% (2.6MB-2.6MB-2.6MB/1.8MB-1.8MB-1.8MB over 1)
* / u0a78:
TOTAL: 1.3% (9.0MB-9.0MB-9.0MB/7.8MB-7.8MB-7.8MB over 1)
Imp Bg: 1.0% (9.0MB-9.0MB-9.0MB/7.8MB-7.8MB-7.8MB over 1)
Service: 0.27%
Service Rs: 0.01%
Receiver: 0.00%
(Cached): 99% (9.1MB-9.4MB-9.7MB/7.7MB-7.9MB-8.1MB over 24)
* / u0a8:
TOTAL: 0.91% (9.2MB-9.2MB-9.2MB/7.6MB-7.6MB-7.6MB over 1)
Imp Bg: 0.79% (9.2MB-9.2MB-9.2MB/7.6MB-7.6MB-7.6MB over 1)
Service: 0.11%
Receiver: 0.00%
(Cached): 99% (8.2MB-9.4MB-10MB/6.5MB-7.6MB-8.1MB over 25)
* / u0a44:
TOTAL: 0.56%
Imp Bg: 0.55%
Service: 0.01%
Receiver: 0.00%
(Cached): 99% (11MB-13MB-14MB/10MB-12MB-13MB over 24)
* / u0a70:
TOTAL: 0.22%
Imp Bg: 0.22%
Service: 0.00%
Receiver: 0.00%
(Cached): 100% (38MB-40MB-41MB/36MB-38MB-39MB over 17)
* / u0a39:
TOTAL: 0.15%
Imp Bg: 0.09%
Service: 0.06%
(Cached): 54% (13MB-14MB-14MB/12MB-12MB-13MB over 17)
* / u0a62:
TOTAL: 0.11%
Imp Bg: 0.04%
Service: 0.06%
Receiver: 0.01%
(Cached): 70% (7.7MB-10MB-11MB/6.4MB-9.0MB-9.3MB over 20)
* / u0a24:
TOTAL: 0.01%
Receiver: 0.01%
(Cached): 69% (8.1MB-8.4MB-8.6MB/7.0MB-7.1MB-7.1MB over 13)
* / u0a19:
TOTAL: 0.00%
Receiver: 0.00%
(Cached): 69% (2.7MB-3.2MB-3.4MB/1.8MB-2.0MB-2.2MB over 13)

Run time Stats:
SOff/Norm: +1h43m29s710ms
SOn /Norm: +1h37m14s290ms
TOTAL: +3h20m44s0ms

Start time: 2013-11-06 07:24:27
Total elapsed time: +3h42m23s56ms (partial) chromeview

Example output of dumpsys procstats --hours 3 command, showing memory details for processes running in the background over the past ~3 hours.

The percentages tell you how much of the overall time each process has spent in various key states. The memory numbers tell you about memory samples in those states, as minPss-avgPss-maxPss / minUss-avgUss-maxUss. The procstats tool also has a number of command line options to control its output — use adb shell dumpsys procstats -h to see a list of the available options.

Comparing this raw data from procstats with the visualization of its data we previously saw, we can see that it is showing only process run data from a subset of states: Imp Fg, Imp Bg, Service, Service Rs, and Receiver. These are the situations where the process is actively running in the background, for as long as it needs to complete the work it is doing. In terms of device memory use, these are the process states that tend to cause the most trouble: apps running in the background taking RAM from other things.

Getting started with procstats

We have already found the new procstats tool to be invaluable in better understanding the overall memory behavior of Android systems, and it has been a key part of the Project Svelte effort in Android 4.4.

As you develop your own applications, be sure to use procstats and the other tools mentioned here to help understand how your own app is behaving, especially how much it runs in the background and how much RAM it uses during that time.

More information about how to analyze and debug RAM use on Android is available on the developer page Investigating Your RAM Usage.

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Making the Most of the Google for Education Learning Center

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar

Earlier this week we announced the release of the Google for Education Learning Center, an online portal that helps educators learn about Google tools for teaching and learning. The Center is a one-stop-shop for hundreds of best practice how-to videos, cases studies and guides. It also includes links to online communities and our newly revised exams. By passing 5 exams teachers can become qualified as Google Educators.

We wanted the bulk of the content in the Center to be made for teachers, by teachers. So we worked with some of our Google Certified Teachers to create it. Today we’ll hear from three of those educators to get more information about their tips and tricks for teaching and training.
Bram: What are your top tips for running successful professional development with educators?

Jennie: My tip for training is to leverage the same best practices you’d use with students. Focus on differentiating for your (teacher) learner, engage them in active learning and allow them to collaborate with one another to make the experience social.

Jay: I have two pieces of advice: start small and give it a go. Pick just one part of your course to enhance with technology or just one tool to use more effectively. Learn something new and give it a go. Get support from your peers, school or PLN. Failing is okay, that’s how we learn.

Kevin: Whether you are teaching or training, clear communication is essential. The best slides have the least amount of text. Make images on the slides focused, keeping words to a minimum, to emphasize the point made in the actual presentation. No one wants to “read” a presentation.

Jennie: It is important to practice what you preach. If you're training people on Google Apps, use Google Apps. If you’re leading a session, create a Google Site to share information. Share a collaborative Google Doc so participants can take notes together and exchange ideas.

Bram: What are your most effective training activities?

Jennie: I have a professional development opener I like to call the "Gripe Jam." While I play the song “We’re Not Gonna Take It” teachers write down their gripes and I compile these into a Google Doc. The teachers then vote on the most important ones. This is how we decide where we begin our exploration of digital learning. Crowd-sourced PD is a huge buy-in generator. Many teachers respond better to new ideas when we first listen to their current issues.

Jay: I advise people to keep a YouTube playlist for “Stuff I’ve Learned.” I learn a lot from YouTube videos. As I’m looking up videos and learning new things I add the videos to a playlist with other things that YouTube has taught me. This not only serves as a great repository I can come back to for review, it also helps me to model how and what I am learning. This could be embedded on your professional portfolio site to help demonstrate how you are a contemporary learner.

Bram: What is a top piece of advice about Google tools for teaching?

Kevin: The number one recommendation I have for teachers who assign projects using Docs and Drive is to turn the hand-in process upside-down. Rather than having students turn-in their work at the end of the assignment cycle, have them turn it in at the beginning. The first step in any class project is to have students create their document, presentation, or spreadsheet, and have them share it with you as the teacher immediately. This allows teachers to monitor and support students through the entire process.

Bram: Have any recent professional development experiences really stayed with you?

Jay: Recently I was working with a teacher named Rick, a master teacher with decades of experience who wanted to use technology to improve student writing. We started small with the prewriting process and brainstorming with Google Drawings and Docs. I pushed him a little more. He was amazed when we looked at the Comments feature, which allowed him to provide better feedback to his students and they blossomed. He was so energized and excited about teaching writing again. Even with his vast experience and being so close to retirement, Rick demonstrated my two recommendations: start small and give it a go. He was able to rekindle his own passion and effectively integrate technology. We can all do this.

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Google for Education: Kicking off 2014 with More Solutions Made for Learning

Posted by Unknown Rabu, 29 Januari 2014 0 komentar

In 2013 there was a tremendous amount of innovation in education — from new tools to increased access to more content. Throughout the year we had the opportunity to get to know more and more schools that decided to Go Google. To look back on the year, we compiled a few stories that people shared with us. You can find more stories in our refreshed website for schools.

One thing we’ve heard loud and clear from educators and students across the globe was that they want more choices. They want a wider selection of devices, content and resources so they can choose the right tools for their particular needs. So to kick off this new year, we’ve worked with our partners to give schools more options for devices, classroom content and training resources.

K-12 Books in Google Play for Education
Google Play for Education makes it easy for educators to find and distribute apps and videos that unlock student potential, and schools have told us that access to a wide selection of books is just as important. That’s why soon we’ll add thousands of K-12 books to Google Play for Education, from digital textbooks like “GO Math!” (Houghton Mifflin Harcourt) and “Journeys Common Core” (Houghton Mifflin Harcourt) to classic literature like “Bridge to Terabithia” (Harper Collins), "Lord of the Flies” (Penguin), and “Things Fall Apart” (Random House). Once a book is assigned, students can read it from their Android tablets, Chromebooks, or any other device through the Play Books reader. Affordable access periods of 60 days, 180 days, and 360 days help schools ensure that materials stay fresh (and classes stay interested) — it’s easy to change curriculums from year to year, or even customize reading materials for individual students. We're rolling out to a few schools today, and will make K-12 books fully available to all schools in the coming weeks.
Greater choice of devices
Technology is one tool to help teachers create innovative learning models. With devices that are affordable and manageable, the technology can get out of the way so that teachers can do what they do best — help students accomplish their goals. We’re hearing great success stories from schools using both tablets with Google Play for Education and Chromebooks. And analysts such as Futuresource report Chromebooks continue to grow, accounting for 1 in 4 devices shipped to U.S. K-12 schools according to preliminary data for the final quarter of 2013.

Today at FETC, our partners announced they’re making even more options available to schools:
  • New Chromebooks: Toshiba announced that their new Chromebook will be available for education customers. This 13-inch device has a battery that lasts up to 9 hours and is built for productivity, and is available today starting at $299. Lenovo announced the new ThinkPad 11e Chromebook series, available as a 360-degree touchscreen Yoga or traditional laptop this spring starting at $349. Educators at FETC will see demos of all the latest Chromebooks in the Google booth, including the new Dell Chromebook and LG Chromebase (available in April).
  • New tablets: Samsung announced their Galaxy Tab as part of tablets with Google Play for Education. It’s a 10.1-inch tablet designed exclusively for education, available in April 2014. At FETC, we’re also demoing the previously announced HP Slate 8 Pro tablet for the first time.

Helping educators share with one another
Teachers around the world are using Google tools in the classroom, and we aim to help educators learn from and share ideas with their peers. This week we launched the new Google for Education Learning Center, created in close partnership with educators who successfully use Google Apps and devices in schools. On this new site educators can learn about Google tools and how to use them for teaching and learning. It’s a one-stop-shop for new online courses, best practice videos, guides, and updated exams and certifications. Educators can demonstrate proficiency with Google tools by taking a Basics Exam or they can show advanced knowledge by taking exams to earn the Google Educator official qualification.

Learn more
If you’re attending FETC this week, visit us at booth 701. Educators will share ideas in our teaching theater throughout the conference. If you can’t make it to Orlando, you can learn more about how to Go Google by visiting our site:

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The Grass Roots Group grows efficiency and collaboration with Google Apps

Posted by Unknown Senin, 27 Januari 2014 0 komentar

Editor's note: Today's guest blogger is Danny Attias, Chief Information Officer for The Grass Roots Group, a U.K.-based global performance improvement company. See what other organizations that have gone Google have to say.

Grass Roots helps brands increase sales, improve customer service, build loyalty and grow productivity. We have over 2,100 clients globally, including major brands including Asda, BMW, Canon, Ford, McDonalds and Vodafone. Our 1,000 employees work in 26 offices across 15 countries, and need to share best practices and knowledge with each other regularly. Communication is at the heart of Grass Roots’ success. It helps us gain a deep understanding of our clients’ needs and become their trusted advisors.

Our five on-premise legacy Microsoft Exchange email systems were a constant challenge to maintain and a real barrier to collaboration and communication in our organisation. We had trouble finding contact details and reaching out to others in the business. Also, our aging data storage hardware infrastructure experienced regular outages that disrupted internal and external communications. We realised we could make the case for an overhaul, so after a comprehensive review of the market we decided to move to Google Apps for Business with the help of our Google Apps deployment partner Appscare. They became an extension of our own team and helped us understand how to get the most from all the features.

We decided to make the move to Google Apps rather than any competitive offering because Google provided the complete and comprehensive range of communication tools that met all of our company’s needs. We have email available online from laptop and mobile with vast mailbox space, online access to shared documents and calendars in the cloud, instant messaging, online video conferencing and a BYOD offering with integrated solutions that working brilliantly on both iOS and Android. By moving to a mobile, cloud, consumer platform with all the enterprise controls Google provides, we eliminated the costs and disruption of on-site maintenance, and the hefty licence fees of our on-premise email systems.

For many of our employees, Google Apps is revolutionising their team and project work. Teams are more organised because everything – including timelines, budgets and progress reports are stored transparently with the latest updates available for all to see online. Also, our employees no longer need to log on with a VPN to get to the resources they need to do their jobs. They can just log on securely using two-factor authentication with their mobile device into their Google Apps account.

A great example of the transformation we’re seeing with Google Apps is at Cyclescheme, our subsidiary that specialises in supplying bikes for employees of enterprises. Real-time collaboration with Google Docs became the epicentre for information sharing when the company redesigned its website. The rich, real-time collaboration capabilities of Google Apps reduced the time taken to design, approve and take the site to production weeks ahead of schedule. At the core of this process was the Cyclescheme team project plan which shared a central Google Spreadsheet with everyone involved with the project, including external suppliers. Everyone added updates on plans and progress, making the whole process more transparent and streamlined.

We are inspired by how our new tools are producing changes to the way our people organise and collaborate, and we are impressed with how Google Apps is proving to be a catalyst for organisational change. Based on the journey so far, we’re confident that Google Apps will support Grass Roots as we become an even more united, efficient and collaborative business.

Baca Selengkapnya .... makes email a snap with Google Apps for Business

Posted by Unknown Rabu, 22 Januari 2014 0 komentar

Editor's note: Today’s guest blogger is Prasad Vootla, Senior Director of Engineering Operations at Read the full case study here, then see what other organisations that have gone Google have to say. is India’s leading online retail marketplace. From home furnishings and fashion, to electronics and sporting equipment, we make sure there is something to delight every one of our 20 million subscribers.

As an online business, having efficient email and collaboration tools is critical for the success of our business operations. Most transactions require cross-team involvement, but before moving to Google it was challenging to coordinate this; some team members were on different email domains as a result of our legacy system and our teams sought a simple, single channel for communication. We also used to send lots of large attachments which took up our email storage.

Our search for a new mail solution began when employees told us they were spending most of their time clearing emails because of storage limitations. With the help of Premier Google Enterprise Partner MediaAgility, we implemented Google Apps for Business. Gmail stood out as the most reliable and easy to use option because we not only get 30GBs of space to cater for high email volumes, but it also offered the stability, high performance and cost-effectiveness we were looking for.

The collaboration features built into Gmail have proved to be a real bonus too. Google Hangouts — which give us a way to instant message one another and have multi-person video conferences — have expanded the tools we have to interact and collaborate. We now have group discussions within teams and across departments when people are in different places.

Teams also now use group emails to coordinate across departments, and instead of emailing files back and forward, we simultaneously edit and collaborate in Google Docs and Google Spreadsheets. These tools have actually reduced number of meetings we need to have, and because Google Calendar gives us visibility into team members’ schedules, the process to setup meetings and avoid clashing schedules has become faster.

The benefits of moving to Google aren’t just being felt by employees. Our IT team now has improved our overall security and efficiency of the IT infrastructure. Our email system performance can now be easily monitored through the analytics features in Google Apps, and we have much greater flexibility and control to monitor all the accounts.

We are happy with our decision to go Google. Its positive impacts are felt throughout the organisation. The teams can now focus on their work, like responding quickly to customer requests and around-the-clock product shipping services. This means we now deliver a fun and convenient shopping experience, keeping our customers happy and coming back for more.

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Amazon reveals GTA 5 for PC listing

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar

PC gamers may be denied access to Los Santos, but a mysterious listing on Amazon suggests a PC version of GTA V could be on the cards

Amazon appears to have inadvertendly confirmed the existence of GTA V for the PC with a listing appearing on its French and German sites.
Developer Rockstar has so far limited the game, which has sold by the boatload since it was released last year, to the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360.
The online retailer has a habit of spilling details on forthcoming games has pulled the listing on its French site but - at the time of writing - the German page was still live.
The listing says that GTA V will be compatible with Windows 7 and Windows Vista, and is priced at 60 Euros.

Rumours of a PC version of the game have been around for a while and gained credence after a leaked bug log surfaced in an XML file and was shared around the internet.
The log contains notes on PC development bugs and DirectX 11 support, as well as audio issues and details about the smog weather setting in the game.
Here's everything we know so far about GTA V appearing on PC.
If Amazon's slip-up is anything to go by, we could be seeing a PC version of the game in the next couple of months. Unfortunately, no-one seems to know if a next-generation versions for the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One are in the works.


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Introducing targeted legal holds for Google Apps Vault

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar

Google Apps Vault helps protect organizations of all sizes by enabling them to quickly find and preserve email messages that may be relevant to litigation, thereby reducing investigation costs. Vault also helps manage and preserve business-critical information for continuity, compliance, and regulatory purposes. Last year, the introduction of partial domain licensing allowed Vault customers to save money by buying Vault only for specific users or organizational units.

Today, we're going a step further by offering targeted legal holds, which give customers even more control over the emails they retain. While it's still possible to hold a user's entire mailbox, customers can also target the specific information they need to preserve for a legal hold based on any searchable criteria, including sent date, labels, content or search terms. Targeted legal holds allow Vault customers to preserve fewer emails and focus on the more relevant messages, helping reduce the costs and risks associated with managing and reviewing data.

Google Apps Vault helps thousands of businesses, schools, and governments archive, retain, and manage business-critical information. You can add Vault to an existing Apps account, or purchase it in conjunction with Apps, for $5 per user per month. If you purchased Google Apps online directly from Google, you can purchase Vault from your Apps Admin Console. If you purchased Vault from a reseller partner, please contact them to purchase additional Vault users. And, finally, please contact us if you are a Google Apps for Education or Government customer interested in Vault.

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Motorola Moto G launch details in India

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
Already Motorola made its launch in U.S,U.K and many other countries but the company is making slow process in the lauch of Moto G in India.Every one is eagerly Waiting for Moto G launch in India for a long time.There is a news from Motorola that moto G will be launched in the early January and again that is posponed to late January.Now the company says the details about the launch of moto G in India will be announced on Febuary 5th 2014.Still there is no official detail about the price of moto G in India 

Also read : Moto G available in India at online store

Moto G launch details for india will be announced on Febuary 5.Stay tuned! 

search results :
Motorola Moto G launch details in India
Moto G price in india
Moto G 8 GB price in india
Moto G 16 GB price in india
Moto G lauch date
Moto G official launch in india

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Google for Education goes to BETT

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar

January is a time for fresh starts and resolutions, and for the last 30 years it has also been the time for BETT, the world’s largest education technology conference. This year’s event will be attended by 35,000 headteachers, educators and learning professionals from across the world. BETT brings everyone together at ExCeL London to discuss and debate the future of education and how technology can help raise standards and tear down barriers in the classroom.

Google has been participating at BETT for the last four years and we are back again, representing the growing and healthy adoption of Google Apps for Education and Chromebooks in classrooms all over the world. More than 30 million students, teachers and staff use Google Apps for Education and 5,000 schools use Chromebooks globally. Whole universities such as Keio University in Japan, cities such as Chicago, States such as São Paulo in Brazil, and even countries such as Malaysia have gone Google in the classroom and lecture hall.

Closer to the home of BETT, we recently deployed 810 Chromebooks in the Isle of Portland Aldridge Community Academy (IPACA), a non-selective, co-educational state school for students aged 3-16, located across four campuses in Dorset.

“By using Chromebooks and Google Apps, we’ve been able to transform the learning experience for all of our students,” says Alison Appleyard, the school’s Principal. “This open access to online resources is key to students becoming successful independent learners, empowering them to use resources as they see best and giving them the skills they’ll need to be successful in the future.”
IPACA students collaborate on a project together using Chromebooks
IPACA students learning on the web using a Chromebook
For anyone keen to hear how Google is working with schools, we invite you to visit our BETT Google zone at E240. The zone will showcase the full range of Chrome devices, including the recently announced Dell Chromebook 11, Toshiba Chromebook and the LG Chromebase, all for visitors to experience firsthand. Every 30 minutes there will be lightning talks at our on-site teaching theatre (schedule here) where educators from the field will share their experiences of using Google tools for teaching and learning.

For those not at BETT, school leaders can learn more about Chromebooks for Education by visiting our website.

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Charles Stanley Direct invests in GSA to transform customer experience

Posted by Unknown Senin, 20 Januari 2014 0 komentar

Editor's note: Today’s guest blogger is Ed Lecky-Thompson, Head of Digital at Charles Stanley Direct, a leading online investment site and part of the Charles Stanley Group, which has £18bn of investments under management. To learn more, join our Hangout with Charles Stanley Direct on January 23rd. Register here:

As a direct-to-client investment service, our website plays an absolutely critical role in attracting and retaining customers. While we’ve won a number of awards for the quality of our customer service and online trading platform, we realized our site's search functionality was in need of an upgrade.
Clients use our site to search for and view information on funds and stocks to help them weigh their investment decisions. However, Google Analytics showed that between 35-45% of client searches on the site resulted in no matches at all, while 15% of searches came back with thousands of potential results, meaning the right ones were often buried. Search was one of the last tasks clients performed before leaving the site altogether, showing the frustrations they experience in being unable to find what they were looking for.

To tackle these problems in-house would have proved costly and time-consuming, so we looked at a number of hosted providers. When our Google partner Extended Content Solutions Limited demoed the Google Search Appliance (GSA) using our own data, we saw instantly how it would benefit us.
Features like Intelligent Re-Direct enable customers searching, for example, for a subsidiary company to be re-directed immediately to the name of its parent company, which is what you’d actually trade shares in. The Spell Suggestions feature makes searching much faster. The GSA’s Query Expansion feature also provides clients with additional relevant results when they search for certain products or funds, meaning that they are presented with more investment options. Best of all, the GSA was so easy to integrate with our existing systems that we were up and running within a month.

Since deploying the GSA, feedback from our customers has been fantastic. Now, only 5% of searches result in zero matches or an unmanageable number of results, compared with 65% beforehand. We have a 99% click through rate, showing us that users are finding the fund or stock they’re looking for on their first search, whereas previously only 20% of searches actually generated a click-through to view that share or fund. Calls to our contact centre relating to finding information on stocks and funds on the site almost disappeared overnight. The next step for us is adding the ability for customers to search for our videos, which give up-to-date and insightful information on market trends. It’s exciting to think though that we’ve probably only scratched the surface of all the potential the GSA has to offer and how we can use it.

In the months since we’ve deployed the GSA we’ve improved customer retention and acquisition and increased the conversion rates of website traffic to client registrations. As the site goes from strength-to-strength it has paid for itself a number of times over. It is no exaggeration to say that the GSA has completely transformed the role the website plays within our business.

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Samsung Galaxy S5 rumored photos and design

Posted by Unknown Minggu, 19 Januari 2014 0 komentar
Everyone expect for the next flagship of Samsung that is Samsung Galaxy S5,we could find some of the rumored and the unofficial model design of Samsung Galaxy S5.These images are not real these are just concept models ound on net.There are many chances for Samsung galaxy S5 to come in the same concept.

Also read: Nokia preparing to release Android mobiles

 Search results:
Samsung Galaxy S5  images
Samsung Galaxy S5  photos
Samsung Galaxy S5 rumored images
Samsung Galaxy S5 concept design
Samsung Galaxy S5  concept model
Samsung Galaxy S5  leaked images

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The State of Maryland goes Google

Posted by Unknown Jumat, 17 Januari 2014 0 komentar

Editor's note: Today our guest blogger is Gregory Urban from the State of Maryland. Greg is the Deputy CIO and CTO of the State of Maryland. See what other organizations that have gone Google have to say.

According to the State New Economy Index, the State of Maryland ranks third out of the top five states that are at the forefront of the nation's movement toward a global, innovation-based new economy. So it’s no surprise Maryland is a leader in adopting innovative technologies to improve citizen services. But with 54,000 state employees scattered across 60 independent agencies, most with their own IT department, the Maryland state government faces challenges in creating a unified technology infrastructure.

To streamline IT infrastructure and improve collaboration between agencies, the Department of Information Technology is rolling out Google Apps for Government for all 54,000 employees. Previously, each agency ran its own email servers — from Microsoft Exchange and Novell, to in-house platforms. We knew to move these disparate email systems into the cloud would decrease complexity and improve intra-agency collaboration, but any cloud-based solution we selected had to meet high security standards.

With Google Apps for Government, all state government data and emails remain in a secure cloud that is compliant with FISMA standards. With over 50 different CIOs working in different agencies, Google Apps allows Maryland to manage security from one central point. Instead of each agency buying and running its own security systems, now Google lets us secure data on a global, enterprise-wide scale. From a central IT point of view, Google Apps lets us execute mobile device management and data leak prevention across all agencies, as well as track every email and document. Previously, each individual IT department had to install appliances to manage these issues on their own.

On a practical level, Google Apps has helped agencies improve productivity and collaboration. The State Police quickly adopted Gmail for all 2,000 employees, 1,400 of which are sworn officers. They have also been a frontrunner in using Drive to streamline daily workflow, across laptops, tablets and mobile devices. They use Docs, Forms and Spreadsheets to regularly report incidents, arrests and investigations. A sergeant's weekly reporting job that used to take 6-7 hours now takes less than an hour, freeing up officers to focus on more mission critical tasks.

What’s more, much of the innovation has come from the ground-up. Because Google Apps provides rich functionalities and is easy-to-use, troopers without any IT background have been able to create internal apps to make their jobs easier. One employee built a system in Spreadsheets to manage the schedule of the troopers across all shifts 24x7x365, making it easy to track hours worked, leave hours, and that schedules adhere to agency policy. Previously, this was done using printouts and pencils, creating lots of complications across 1,400 troopers in 22 barracks throughout the state.

Google Apps has also created a new sense of cohesiveness among the entire workforce. Employees used to have email addresses unique to their agencies, creating an identity that emphasizes their agency relationship. But with Gmail, we provide every employee with a email. State employees now have a stronger sense they are a part of One Maryland, a team representing the state government serving Maryland’s 5.9 million residents. We’re impressed at how effectively Google Apps has brought disparate agencies closer together, making us into a stronger team.

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A new activity stream in Drive shows you what’s changed

Posted by Unknown Selasa, 14 Januari 2014 0 komentar
(Cross-posted from the Official Enterprise Blog)

Drive makes group projects easier because everyone can share files and work together. But in today’s busy world, it’s tough to track the changes to all your shared to-do lists, budgets and presentations, especially when content changes so often. So starting today, you’ll notice a new activity stream in Drive – a single, easy-to-view place to review every action taken on your files and folders.

When you open Drive, click the  button in the top right corner and the activity stream will appear, showing you who has taken action on files and folders in My Drive. You’ll see a rundown of what your team has been doing, such as editing and commenting on notes, adding a new spreadsheet, renaming a presentation, and more.
It’s also easy to only see what you’re interested in. Just select any file or folder and the stream will change instantly to show information relevant to that item.
And last month it became easier to take quick actions on your folders like rename, share, organize and more with a new drop-down menu at the top of each shared folder. Below this menu you'll see the entire folder hierarchy so you can jump to a different folder with a single click. And you can see profile pictures to help you understand exactly who has access to the shared folder.
Activity stream will rollout to everyone over the next week. Give it a try with your next group project and let us know what you think on our Google+ page.


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A new activity stream in Drive shows you what’s changed

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar

Drive makes group projects easier because everyone can share files and work together. But in today’s busy world, it’s tough to track the changes to all your shared to-do lists, budgets and presentations, especially when content changes so often. So starting today, you’ll notice a new activity stream in Drive – a single, easy-to-view place to review every action taken on your files and folders.

When you open Drive, click the  button in the top right corner and the activity stream will appear, showing you who has taken action on files and folders in My Drive. You’ll see a rundown of what your team has been doing, such as editing and commenting on team notes, adding a new spreadsheet, renaming a presentation, sharing with your boss and more.
It’s also easy to only see what you’re interested in. Select any file or folder and the stream will change instantly to show information relevant to just that item.
And last month it became easier to take quick actions on your folders like rename, share, organize and more with a new drop-down menu at the top of each shared folder. Below this menu you'll see the entire folder hierarchy so you can jump to a different folder with a single click. And you can see profile pictures to help you understand exactly who has access to the shared folder.
Activity stream is rolling out over the next week, so try it with your next group project to make working together a bit easier with Drive.

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