Get Chrome Desktop Alerts For Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn & YouTube
Rabu, 03 April 2013
After installing it, visit The Notifications for everything’s options. In the General tab, you can enable the app to continue running in the background and manage how long a notification remains visible. Next, connect whichever service you want to receive notifications for. For each service, you can choose to get desktop notifications, icon notifications, or both.
You will have to connect each service individually; the extension will access all the required information from your account. You can also disconnect any service at any time.
The notifications are accompanied by the icon of the service they’re from to help make it easier to identify them. Clicking a notification will not take you to the update in question though, which is rather surprising since clicking on a user name or a page that’s linked in the notification will open it in your browser.
Feature wise, Chime and The Notifications for everything are similar but not the same. As we mentioned earlier, Chime is a historical record of your accounts’ activity that you can go back and visit any time. With The Notifications for everything, you are just saved the trouble of having to install a notification extension for each service, and having to check your Facebook notification or Twitter timeline again and again.
The only shortcoming of The Notifications for everything is that it will give you notifications for every bit of activity in an account, or for nothing at all. There might be cases when users just want to receive notifications for messages on Facebook, or Direct Messages on Twitter, and new invitations to connect on LinkedIn. Overall, if you found Chime to be overwhelming with its notifications, The Notifications for everything is a good enough alternative.
Judul: Get Chrome Desktop Alerts For Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn & YouTube
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