The Android ION Memory Manager

Posted by Unknown Sabtu, 31 Agustus 2013 0 komentar
Lately there's been quite a bit of discussions about Android "ION". What exactly is ION? Is it just some fancy name or is there more to it?

Let's talk about some history of Android first.

Since the very beginning, vendors of Android devices like HTC, Samsung or Motorola all use different System on a Chip (SoC) solutions from Qualcomm (MSM/Snapdragon), Nvidia (Tegra) and TI (OMAP). Each SoC has its own kernel drivers for managing memory buffers (chunks of scratchpad memory) used by Graphic Processing Unit (GPU), Audio processing, and Camera Stills and Video processing.

Every vendor had their own version of memory management, such as PMEM for Qualcomm, NVMAP for Nvidia and CMEM for TI - private memory not shared with anyone else. Each Android graphics, audio and camera libraries had to be customized to work with each of the SoC's own flavour of memory management, which makes it a nightmare for the Android Maintainers to maintain the fragmentation and compatibility issues abound. However, this was the case for all pre-Ice Cream Sandwich OS like Froyo, Gingerbread or even Honeycomb.

For Android 4.0 (aka Ice Cream Sandwich), Google was finally fed up with the private memory manager structure and decreed that all newer devices with Android 4.0 native should use the new, so called "ION" memory manager.

So what is exactly the Android ION?

In a simple words, Android ION removes ARM specific dependencies. The ION memory manager provides a common structure for how memory will be managed and used by GPU, Audio and Camera drivers. Common functions are:

  • memory allocation / de-allocation
  • Direct Memory Access Pools
  • user-space (Android libraries) memory passing to/from kernel space

With these common functions and structures defined, kernel drivers from each SoC manufacturer needed to rewrite their drivers to be compatible with Ice Cream Sandwich. Once the drivers adopted to the new common structure, the graphics, audio and camera libraries can now be more generic and could care less about the nitty-gritty details of how different SoC vendors' drivers worked.

It was painful at first, but it was a necessary move for Google to impose to all the SoC vendors. Now looking back, this new ION manager enabled manufactures and third party Android projects (like Cyanogen-mod) to quickly bring up newer Android releases for various devices and also reduce the "hidden" Android fragmentation.

If you want to take a look at the code of the ION memory manager, please visit faux123 github - MSM ION

I hope you enjoyed my first Kernel GeekTalk series... more to come soon!

Have any questions or comments? Feel free to share! Also, if you like this article, please use the media sharing buttons (Twitter, G+, Facebook) under this post!

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RenderScript Intrinsics

Posted by Unknown Kamis, 29 Agustus 2013 0 komentar

Posted by R. Jason Sams, Android RenderScript Tech Lead

RenderScript has a very powerful ability called Intrinsics. Intrinsics are built-in functions that perform well-defined operations often seen in image processing. Intrinsics can be very helpful to you because they provide extremely high-performance implementations of standard functions with a minimal amount of code.

RenderScript intrinsics will usually be the fastest possible way for a developer to perform these operations. We’ve worked closely with our partners to ensure that the intrinsics perform as fast as possible on their architectures — often far beyond anything that can be achieved in a general-purpose language.

Table 1. RenderScript intrinsics and the operations they provide.

ScriptIntrinsicConvolve3x3, ScriptIntrinsicConvolve5x5Performs a 3x3 or 5x5 convolution.
ScriptIntrinsicBlurPerforms a Gaussian blur. Supports grayscale and RGBA buffers and is used by the system framework for drop shadows.
ScriptIntrinsicYuvToRGBConverts a YUV buffer to RGB. Often used to process camera data.
ScriptIntrinsicColorMatrixApplies a 4x4 color matrix to a buffer.
ScriptIntrinsicBlendBlends two allocations in a variety of ways.
ScriptIntrinsicLUTApplies a per-channel lookup table to a buffer.
ScriptIntrinsic3DLUTApplies a color cube with interpolation to a buffer.

Your application can use one of these intrinsics with very little code. For example, to perform a Gaussian blur, the application can do the following:

RenderScript rs = RenderScript.create(theActivity);
ScriptIntrinsicBlur theIntrinsic = ScriptIntrinsicBlur.create(mRS, Element.U8_4(rs));;
Allocation tmpIn = Allocation.createFromBitmap(rs, inputBitmap);
Allocation tmpOut = Allocation.createFromBitmap(rs, outputBitmap);

This example creates a RenderScript context and a Blur intrinsic. It then uses the intrinsic to perform a Gaussian blur with a 25-pixel radius on the allocation. The default implementation of blur uses carefully hand-tuned assembly code, but on some hardware it will instead use hand-tuned GPU code.

What do developers get from the tuning that we’ve done? On the new Nexus 7, running that same 25-pixel radius Gaussian blur on a 1.6 megapixel image takes about 176ms. A simpler intrinsic like the color matrix operation takes under 4ms. The intrinsics are typically 2-3x faster than a multithreaded C implementation and often 10x+ faster than a Java implementation. Pretty good for eight lines of code.

Renderscript optimizations chartstyle="border:1px solid #ddd;border-radius: 6px;" />

Figure 1. Performance gains with RenderScript intrinsics, relative to equivalent multithreaded C implementations.

Applications that need additional functionality can mix these intrinsics with their own RenderScript kernels. An example of this would be an application that is taking camera preview data, converting it from YUV to RGB, adding a vignette effect, and uploading the final image to a SurfaceView for display.

In this example, we’ve got a stream of data flowing between a source device (the camera) and an output device (the display) with a number of possible processors along the way. Today, these operations can all run on the CPU, but as architectures become more advanced, using other processors becomes possible.

For example, the vignette operation can happen on a compute-capable GPU (like the ARM Mali T604 in the Nexus 10), while the YUV to RGB conversion could happen directly on the camera’s image signal processor (ISP). Using these different processors could significantly improve power consumption and performance. As more these processors become available, future Android updates will enable RenderScript to run on these processors, and applications written for RenderScript today will begin to make use of those processors transparently, without any additional work for developers.

Intrinsics provide developers a powerful tool they can leverage with minimal effort to achieve great performance across a wide variety of hardware. They can be mixed and matched with general purpose developer code allowing great flexibility in application design. So next time you have performance issues with image manipulation, I hope you give them a look to see if they can help.

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Respecting Audio Focus

Posted by Unknown Rabu, 28 Agustus 2013 0 komentar

Posted by Kristan Uccello, Google Developer Relations

It’s rude to talk during a presentation, it disrespects the speaker and annoys the audience. If your application doesn’t respect the rules of audio focus then it’s disrespecting other applications and annoying the user. If you have never heard of audio focus you should take a look at the Android developer training material.

With multiple apps potentially playing audio it's important to think about how they should interact. To avoid every music app playing at the same time, Android uses audio focus to moderate audio playback—your app should only play audio when it holds audio focus. This post provides some tips on how to handle changes in audio focus properly, to ensure the best possible experience for the user.

Requesting audio focus

Audio focus should not be requested when your application starts (don’t get greedy), instead delay requesting it until your application is about to do something with an audio stream. By requesting audio focus through the AudioManager system service, an application can use one of the AUDIOFOCUS_GAIN* constants (see Table 1) to indicate the desired level of focus.

Listing 1. Requesting audio focus.

1. AudioManager am = (AudioManager) mContext.getSystemService(Context.AUDIO_SERVICE);
3. int result = am.requestAudioFocus(mOnAudioFocusChangeListener,
4. // Hint: the music stream.
5. AudioManager.STREAM_MUSIC,
6. // Request permanent focus.
7. AudioManager.AUDIOFOCUS_GAIN);
8. if (result == AudioManager.AUDIOFOCUS_REQUEST_GRANTED) {
9. mState.audioFocusGranted = true;
10. } else if (result == AudioManager.AUDIOFOCUS_REQUEST_FAILED) {
11. mState.audioFocusGranted = false;
12. }

In line 7 above, you can see that we have requested permanent audio focus. An application could instead request transient focus using AUDIOFOCUS_GAIN_TRANSIENT which is appropriate when using the audio system for less than 45 seconds.

Alternatively, the app could use AUDIOFOCUS_GAIN_TRANSIENT_MAY_DUCK, which is appropriate when the use of the audio system may be shared with another application that is currently playing audio (e.g. for playing a "keep it up" prompt in a fitness application and expecting background music to duck during the prompt). The app requesting AUDIOFOCUS_GAIN_TRANSIENT_MAY_DUCK should not use the audio system for more than 15 seconds before releasing focus.

Handling audio focus changes

In order to handle audio focus change events, an application should create an instance of OnAudioFocusChangeListener. In the listener, the application will need to handle theAUDIOFOCUS_GAIN* event and AUDIOFOCUS_LOSS* events (see Table 1). It should be noted that AUDIOFOCUS_GAIN has some nuances which are highlighted in Listing 2, below.

Listing 2. Handling audio focus changes.

1. mOnAudioFocusChangeListener = new AudioManager.OnAudioFocusChangeListener() {  
3. @Override
4. public void onAudioFocusChange(int focusChange) {
5. switch (focusChange) {
6. case AudioManager.AUDIOFOCUS_GAIN:
7. mState.audioFocusGranted = true;
9. if(mState.released) {
10. initializeMediaPlayer();
11. }
13. switch(mState.lastKnownAudioFocusState) {
14. case UNKNOWN:
15. if(mState.state == PlayState.PLAY && !mPlayer.isPlaying()) {
16. mPlayer.start();
17. }
18. break;
20. if(mState.wasPlayingWhenTransientLoss) {
21. mPlayer.start();
22. }
23. break;
25. restoreVolume();
26. break;
27. }
29. break;
30. case AudioManager.AUDIOFOCUS_LOSS:
31. mState.userInitiatedState = false;
32. mState.audioFocusGranted = false;
33. teardown();
34. break;
36. mState.userInitiatedState = false;
37. mState.audioFocusGranted = false;
38. mState.wasPlayingWhenTransientLoss = mPlayer.isPlaying();
39. mPlayer.pause();
40. break;
42. mState.userInitiatedState = false;
43. mState.audioFocusGranted = false;
44. lowerVolume();
45. break;
46. }
47. mState.lastKnownAudioFocusState = focusChange;
48. }

AUDIOFOCUS_GAIN is used in two distinct scopes of an applications code. First, it can be used when registering for audio focus as shown in Listing 1. This does NOT translate to an event for the registered OnAudioFocusChangeListener, meaning that on a successful audio focus request the listener will NOT receive an AUDIOFOCUS_GAIN event for the registration.

AUDIOFOCUS_GAIN is also used in the implementation of an OnAudioFocusChangeListener as an event condition. As stated above, the AUDIOFOCUS_GAIN event will not be triggered on audio focus requests. Instead the AUDIOFOCUS_GAIN event will occur only after an AUDIOFOCUS_LOSS* event has occurred. This is the only constant in the set shown Table 1 that is used in both scopes.

There are four cases that need to be handled by the focus change listener. When the application receives an AUDIOFOCUS_LOSS this usually means it will not be getting its focus back. In this case the app should release assets associated with the audio system and stop playback. As an example, imagine a user is playing music using an app and then launches a game which takes audio focus away from the music app. There is no predictable time for when the user will exit the game. More likely, the user will navigate to the home launcher (leaving the game in the background) and launch yet another application or return to the music app causing a resume which would then request audio focus again.

However another case exists that warrants some discussion. There is a difference between losing audio focus permanently (as described above) and temporarily. When an application receives an AUDIOFOCUS_LOSS_TRANSIENT, the behavior of the app should be that it suspends its use of the audio system until it receives an AUDIOFOCUS_GAIN event. When the AUDIOFOCUS_LOSS_TRANSIENT occurs, the application should make a note that the loss is temporary, that way on audio focus gain it can reason about what the correct behavior should be (see lines 13-27 of Listing 2).

Sometimes an app loses audio focus (receives an AUDIOFOCUS_LOSS) and the interrupting application terminates or otherwise abandons audio focus. In this case the last application that had audio focus may receive an AUDIOFOCUS_GAIN event. On the subsequent AUDIOFOCUS_GAIN event the app should check and see if it is receiving the gain after a temporary loss and can thus resume use of the audio system or if recovering from an permanent loss, setup for playback.

If an application will only be using the audio capabilities for a short time (less than 45 seconds), it should use an AUDIOFOCUS_GAIN_TRANSIENT focus request and abandon focus after it has completed its playback or capture. Audio focus is handled as a stack on the system — as such the last process to request audio focus wins.

When audio focus has been gained this is the appropriate time to create a MediaPlayer or MediaRecorder instance and allocate resources. Likewise when an app receives AUDIOFOCUS_LOSS it is good practice to clean up any resources allocated. Gaining audio focus has three possibilities that also correspond to the three audio focus loss cases in Table 1. It is a good practice to always explicitly handle all the loss cases in the OnAudioFocusChangeListener.

Table 1. Audio focus gain and loss implication.


Note: AUDIOFOCUS_GAIN is used in two places. When requesting audio focus it is passed in as a hint to the AudioManager and it is used as an event case in the OnAudioFocusChangeListener. The gain events highlighted in green are only used when requesting audio focus. The loss events are only used in the OnAudioFocusChangeListener.

Table 2. Audio stream types.

Stream TypeDescription
STREAM_ALARMThe audio stream for alarms
STREAM_DTMFThe audio stream for DTMF Tones
STREAM_MUSICThe audio stream for "media" (music, podcast, videos) playback
STREAM_NOTIFICATIONThe audio stream for notifications
STREAM_RINGThe audio stream for the phone ring
STREAM_SYSTEMThe audio stream for system sounds

An app will request audio focus (see an example in the sample source code linked below) from the AudioManager (Listing 1, line 1). The three arguments it provides are an audio focus change listener object (optional), a hint as to what audio channel to use (Table 2, most apps should use STREAM_MUSIC) and the type of audio focus from Table 1, column 1. If audio focus is granted by the system (AUDIOFOCUS_REQUEST_GRANTED), only then handle any initialization (see Listing 1, line 9).

Note: The system will not grant audio focus (AUDIOFOCUS_REQUEST_FAILED) if there is a phone call currently in process and the application will not receive AUDIOFOCUS_GAIN after the call ends.

Within an implementation of OnAudioFocusChange(), understanding what to do when an application receives an onAudioFocusChange() event is summarized in Table 3.

In the cases of losing audio focus be sure to check that the loss is in fact final. If the app receives an AUDIOFOCUS_LOSS_TRANSIENT or AUDIOFOCUS_LOSS_TRANSIENT_CAN_DUCK it can hold onto the media resources it has created (don’t call release()) as there will likely be another audio focus change event very soon thereafter. The app should take note that it has received a transient loss using some sort of state flag or simple state machine.

If an application were to request permanent audio focus with AUDIOFOCUS_GAIN and then receive an AUDIOFOCUS_LOSS_TRANSIENT_CAN_DUCK an appropriate action for the application would be to lower its stream volume (make sure to store the original volume state somewhere) and then raise the volume upon receiving an AUDIOFOCUS_GAIN event (see Figure 1, below).

Table 3. Appropriate actions by focus change type.

Focus Change TypeAppropriate Action
AUDIOFOCUS_GAINGain event after loss event: Resume playback of media unless other state flags set by the application indicate otherwise. For example, the user paused the media prior to loss event.
AUDIOFOCUS_LOSSStop playback. Release assets.
AUDIOFOCUS_LOSS_TRANSIENTPause playback and keep a state flag that the loss is transient so that when the AUDIOFOCUS_GAIN event occurs you can resume playback if appropriate. Do not release assets.
AUDIOFOCUS_LOSS_TRANSIENT_CAN_DUCKLower volume or pause playback keeping track of state as with AUDIOFOCUS_LOSS_TRANSIENT. Do not release assets.

Conclusion and further reading

Understanding how to be a good audio citizen application on an Android device means respecting the system's audio focus rules and handling each case appropriately. Try to make your application behave in a consistent manner and not negatively surprise the user. There is a lot more that can be talked about within the audio system on Android and in the material below you will find some additional discussions.

Example source code is available here:

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N.O.V.A. 3 - Near Orbit Vanguard Alliance v1.0.7 Apk + Data Android

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar

The most immersive and impressive sci-fi FPS franchise on smartphones is back!
Fight for mankind's survival in the greatest space shooter on mobile devices!

Four months have passed since Kal ruined the Volterites' plans by sabotaging their war factories, and stopping the extraction of the Judger Artifacts. However, following the assassination of President Folsom, the government surrendered the colonies to the Volterite Protectorate in order to prevent civil war.

Kal Wardin has been laying low since Folsom’s death, but now he has received a desperate plea from Yelena to come to Earth. Once again, the hero must rise to save mankind!

Screenshots: N.O.V.A. 3 - Near Orbit Vanguard Alliance

• An epic storyline: Humanity finally returns to Earth after years of exile! Fight in 10 immersive levels across the galaxy, from a war-torn Earth to a frozen Volterite city.
• Multiple weapons and powers: Run, shoot, drive vehicles, and pilot a mech to defeat hordes of enemies.
• Join 12-player battles in 6 multiplayer modes (Capture the Point, Free-for-All, Capture the Flag, etc.) on 6 different maps.
• For the first time, multiple allies can jump inside the same vehicle and spread destruction on the battlefield.
• Discover the new FPS benchmark for graphics and gameplay (real-time shadow & lights, particle system, ragdoll physics, etc.)

For fans of the N.O.V.A. series, first-person shooters and action games on Android.

Instructions : (Non-Root / Offline)
-Install APK
-Copy '' folder to '/sdcard/Android/obb' (If you have installed v1.0.5, No need to download main obb file)
-Copy patch.1070.obb file to 'sdcard/Android/obb/' folder
-Launch the Game (Run online@ 1st run)

Click Here To Download

APK File
Direct Download Link - Direct Download Link

SD Data Files
Direct Download Link - Direct Download Link

Patch Obb Files
Direct Download Link - Direct Download Link

For iPhone/iPad Users - Link

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VGBA – GameBoy (GBA) Emulator v3.9.8 Apk Android

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar

VGBA emulates the GameBoy Advance handheld game console. It will run GameBoy Advance games on your Android phone or tablet. Please notice that VGBA will not play classic GameBoy games: you will need VGB for that. Features:

* Specifically optimized for Android devices, using ARM assembler to run at maximal possible speed.

* Full screen landscape and portrait mode emulation, with options for simulating scanlines and fuzzy display.

* Records soundtrack to MIDI files.

* Play with you physical keyboard, touch screen, or accelerometer.

* Save gameplay at any point and go back to that point once your character gets killed.

* Xperia Play special buttons supported.

VGBA package itself does not contain any games. You should place your own game files onto the SD card before running VGBA.

V3.8.8 update:

Fixed a bug that sometimes made good cheat codes fail.

Fixed slowdown with cheats enabled (due to misplaced debug output).

No longer auto-enabling cheats on startup (was inconsistent).

Made Cheatopedia load faster.

Enabled saving in Summon Night Swordcraft Story 1 and 2.

Added Golden Sun and Golden Sun 2 cheats.

Added more Pokemon Ruby and Sapphire cheats.

Enabled “Advanced” menu selection with Xperia Play [X] button.

Changed cheats file extension from .GSA to .CHT.

Click to Download
Direct Download Link - 
Direct Download Link

Baca Selengkapnya .... Lab PRO v2.0.32 Apk Android

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar

Photo Fun Generator - create awesome effects and caricatures from your photos! Lab PRO – full-featured Photo Fun Generator in your pocket!
Welcome the PRO version of Lab app with almost unlimited abilities to create awesome effects from your photos! With Lab PRO photo editor you can easily create fun photo montages, cool contact icons, animated photo caricatures, e-cards and phone wallpapers! You will love the user friendly interface and the ease of use the app provides. Lab PRO does not contain any ads and does not watermark your resulting images. Besides, it comes with extra groups of photo effects for which you would have to pay in the standard version.

What you will especially like about Lab PRO is “Photo to Caricature” effects that will turn your face photos into fun animated caricatures in one click!
Also, you will be the first to use the newest effects and templates! With the standard version, new effects become available to you in two weeks after they are released. But that's not the case with Lab PRO! Get all the brand new effects immediately after they are released! Lab PRO features and effects:
• photo to caricature effects: animate faces and turn your portrait photos into amusing caricatures.
• photorealistic effects like those you find in photofunia: put your face onto museum walls, a soccer fans banner, in a hot off the press newspaper; airbrush yourself on exclusive cars or leave your face as a sand imprint on the beach.
• photo montages with automatic face detection: turn yourself or your friend into Darth Vader, Rambo, a Na’vi from Avatar, an astronaut or a pirate of the Caribbean!
• photo filters: Neon Glow, Fire, Jigsaw Puzzle, HDR, Pencil Drawing, Oil & Impressionist Painting, Chalk & Charcoal, and more.
• photo effects for the stylish and trendy folks: put yourself on the Forbes, Vogue or Playboy cover next to Angelina Jolie, Jackie Chan, Lady Gaga and Dr. House!
• photo collages: put yourself and your sweetheart or even all your friends into one photo collage.
• new effects: get all the brand new effects immediately after they are released. Be the first to use them and surprise your friends!

If you couldn’t find the photo effect you wanted, you can submit your own effect idea. We will be happy to make new effects available!

What’s more, you can add text of your own and set the resulting image as a contact icon or wallpaper. You can also save it to the phone memory, send it as an MMS or post it on Facebook and Twitter to surprise your friends!

Keywords: photo fun,, photofunia, photo funia, photo editor, funny photo, cartoon, photo montage, photo effect

Click Here To Download
Direct Download Link - Direct Download Link

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SwiftKey 3 Keyboard v4.2.0.155 Apk Android

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar

SwiftKey 3 understands how words work together, giving much more accurate corrections and predictions than other keyboards. Very sloppy typing will magically make sense, even if you miss spaces, and SwiftKey 3 also predicts your next words.

* Upgrading from SwiftKey X, you may experience trouble with apostrophes or accented characters in predictions. This is because you need to update your language models. To do this, go to Settings, Languages & layouts, press menu and tap "update languages". When "update" appears next to your language(s), press it. When you return to your keyboard things should be working properly. *

SwiftKey 3 learns the words and phrases you use, and how you interact with your keyboard as you use it, to make typing easier and even more accurate over time. You can also personalize it using your Gmail, Facebook, Twitter or blog posts.

SwiftKey is among Android's best selling apps for a reason -- it transforms your keyboard, making typing a breeze and saving you hassle every day.

Here’s what’s new:

* Smart Space – adding to SwiftKey’s already cutting edge correction, Smart Space detects mistyped or omitted spaces across strings of sloppily typed words in real-time.

* Two new themes – a new theme, ‘Cobalt’, to match SwiftKey’s new look and feel, and an Ice Cream Sandwich-styled ‘Holo’ theme, as voted for by SwiftKey’s VIP community.

* An enhanced UI – a much larger space bar and smart punctuation key help improve accuracy and make it quick and easy to access common punctuation. Just tap and slide left on the period for exclamation point, or tap and slide right for question mark. No need to long-press.

* Additional languages – SwiftKey 3 now offers support for an additional seven languages, bringing the total up to 42. The new languages are Korean, Estonian, Farsi, Icelandic, Latvian, Lithuanian and Serbian. And of course, you can still enable up to three at once.


English (US)
English (UK)
French (CA)
French (FR)
Persian (Farsi)
Portuguese (BR)
Portuguese (PT)
Spanish (ES)
Spanish (US)

Support for QWERTY, QWERTZ, QZERTY, AZERTY, DVORAK, COLEMAK, Arabic, Bulgarian, Greek, Hebrew, Korean, Persian (Farsi), Russian and Ukrainian layouts.

Click Here To Download
Direct Download Link - Direct Download Link

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Gymrat: Workout Planner & Log v1.0.6 Apk Android

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar

Workout planner and log with hundreds of weightlifting and cardio exercises, routines, progress tracking and gym tools such as stopwatch to help you achieve your fitness goals! Gymrat is for fitness enthusiasts, bodybuilding pros, and weightlifting beginners.

Discover new weightlifting and cardio exercises with easy search and filtering. Create your own gym routines with custom goals and supersets or follow the built-in ones. Track your workout progress with charts and graphs. Track vital statistics such bmi, body fat, blood pressure, pulse, glucose and weight tracker. Record your body measurements such as chest, arms, waist and gym benchmark exercises such as push ups, pull ups, and bench press. Utilize stopwatch and countdown timer tools for other gym tasks.

Exercise database
400+ exercises and more in later updates. Weight lifting and cardio exercises are available and custom exercises with pictures can be added. Exercises are grouped by body part such as abs, core, biceps, chest, shoulders, glutes and calves. Each exercise is searchable by name, fitness difficulty and gym equipment.

Eleven routines are included focusing on beginners, intermediate muscle building, core, strength training, and travel. Few new workouts are added with each update. Create custom routines for weight training, general workout, strength training, bodybuilding, bulking, cutting, resistance training, etc. You can reorder, add, delete, and superset each exercise. Optional rest timer is available.

Log an exercise or whole weight training routine. Workout logs are viewed in table and chart formats. Charts allow to see exercise progress metrics such as "One Rep Max", "Maximum Weight", "Maximum Reps", "Exercise Duration", "Longest Exercise Time", "Total Exercise Time", "Exercise Intensity" and many more.

Multiple people can now use the same app at the gym. Records such as workout logs, progress logs of weight, bmi, blood pressure, customizable benchmark exercises such as pushups, abs, squats and other health and bodybuilding settings are associated with profiles.

Progress feature allows setting fitness goals, graph, and chart Vital Statistics, Body Measurements and Benchmark Exercise. They can be exported as s screenshot, html, text, csv over email, messaging, or Facebook.
1. Vital Statistics: Weight, BMI, Body fat, Pulse, Blood Pressure, and Glucose.
2. Body Measurements: Neck, Shoulders, Arms, Forearms, Chest, Waist, Hips, Thighs, Calves
3. Benchmark Exercises: Add your own such as Bench Press, Squat ad Pull up.

Gym Tools
We are starting to incorporate all the tools needed during your gym workouts!
1. Stopwatch - with logging and export functionality of laps and times
2. Countdown timer - use with any timed exercise in the gym
3. Repetition calculator (repper) - calculate your One Rep Max (1RM) or a hard weight to lift for a certain number of sets

Descriptions of functionality of the app such as routine and exercise modules. We strive to make all features intuitive.

Try "Gymrat: Workout Planner & Log", a gym workout planner and journal / log and see why it is the best workout organizer and fitness app available for bodybuilding, weight lifting, weight training, strength training, cardio training, and general fitness. Even the most hardcore weight training, powerlifting gymrats need a little help remembering last weight and reps! Coupled with the tools such as stopwatch and timer, it will be the only gym app you need!

* Vibrate: rest timer can vibrate and ring
* Internet & Storage: exercise image download and storage
* Network State: checking WiFi availability for exercise image download

Other KW: weightlifting, bodybuilding, workout log, progress, routine, weight training, body building, weight lifting

Click Here To Download
Direct Download Link - Direct Download Link

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Is the Samsung Galaxy Note 3 worth upgrading from the Note 2?

Posted by Unknown Senin, 26 Agustus 2013 0 komentar

The Samsung Galaxy Note 2 transcends niche markets. With the original release of the Galaxy Note, Samsung released a device that didn't appeal to the mass consumer base. With it came insults about its size, with people going as far as to call it a "VCR". One year after its original release, the Note 2 was announced. With LeBron James as the face of the handset, its popularity rose to new heights. The phone that was once dubbed "too big" has now become the ideal device for many average consumers. With the Galaxy Note 3 nearing its release, we answer the question, is it worth upgrading from the Note 2 to the Note 3? Let's find out.


Both devices sport a large, gorgeous display. The Note 2 operates on Samsung's trademark Super AMOLED technology, with a 5.5 inch 720 x 1280 screen, rendering 267 PPI (Pixels Per Inch). The quality is outstanding, with vibrant high contrast colour saturation. Since not all Super AMOLED displays are created equal, you may still end up with a blue or yellow tint. Eventually, your eyes will become accustomed to the screen given how stunning it truly is. The Galaxy Note 3 is set to be announced on September 4 in Berlin. The handset will sport a 5.7 inch 1080p Super AMOLED display. The U.S., U.K. and International versions may come with different screen technology. While the U.S.A. and United Kingdom will likely see the Super AMOLED version, other International markets will sport an LCD iteration. Regardless, both versions will have 1080p displays rendering upwards of 380 to 400 pixels per inch.

With both screens offering a comprehensive and enjoyable experience, you really can't go wrong with either. The question is, is it worth the upgrade? Going from 267 PPI to nearly 400 PPI is noticeable by any measure. If you compare the Note 2 with the Galaxy S4, which sports 441 PPI, you will notice a difference in clarity and sharpness. The same could be said for the Note 2 and upcoming Note 3. The 1080p resolution displays are the real deal and until you have owned one, you won't fully understand the benefits. On a 5.7 inch screen, the Note 3 will render text and images crystal clear. This isn't a knock on the Note 2, but in comparison, there is definite value to upgrade just on the screen quality alone.

Hardware and battery

In terms of hardware, both handsets provide thin frames without much bulk or weight. The Note 2 is 9.4 mm in thickness, while the Note 3 is rumoured to be somewhere in the range of the Galaxy S4, which is 7.9 mm respectively. Regardless, both are thin, and if you have ever held a Galaxy S4 in your hand, the device feels natural and extremely lightweight. If the Note 3 comes in metal casing, expect a better build quality over the all plastic Note 2. Both have removable back plates and batteries with micro-SD card slots. This is useful for accessories like flip covers.

If you're a power user, you also have the option of carrying around an extra battery. Though with batteries powered at over 3,100 mAh, you will rarely need to charge your device on a regular basis, no less replace the battery. This is where the Note 2 shines the most, as the battery life is considered phenomenal by any stretch. The Note 3 is rumoured to have a larger battery, though will be more power intensive with a high quality display. We expect similar battery lives on both devices, which if the Note 2 is any indication, isn't a bad thing.


The Note 2 is no slouch when it comes to specs. With a 1.6 GHz quad core Cortex A-9 Exynos 4412 CPU and Mali 400MP GPU with 2 GB of RAM, speed is rarely an issue. The Note 2 was actually one of the original quad-core handsets to be released in the US, and still out performs many phones to date. The Note 3 will also sport a quad-core processor, clocked at over 2 GHz with a Snapdragon 800 SoC and 3 GB of RAM memory, with rumours of a quad-core Exynos variation for International models. If we were to base these two phones on benchmark scores, the Note 3 would be the obvious winner.
Flashing custom ROM's and development are available in a wide variety of options for the Note 2. The Note 3 will likely see the same type of development. If you're nit picky about speed, then you will likely notice differences with the two handsets. In terms of multi tasking and other power intensive processes, the Note 3 will withstand anything you throw in its way. The Note 2 at times shows signs of slow down, which could be eradicated with custom ROM's. For the average consumer, the difference may be minimal, but for the tech savvy smartphone user, the Note 3's future proof specs reign supreme.

Software and development

On the software end, both handsets operate TouchWiz with the utilization of the S Pen. Some variants of the
Note 2 are still waiting for the 4.2.2 update, which is a shame, since its been out for over a year now. The software is very similar to the Galaxy S3's version of TouchWiz except with optimization of the stylus. With it, you have the ability to operate features like air gestures, memo pad, among other things. The Note 3 will likely come with Android Jelly Bean 4.2.2 out of the box with the option to upgrade to 4.3. You will receive similar features found on the Galaxy S4 such as air view, air scrolling, smart scrolling, and other S Pen functionality. We are interested to see what Samsung has up their sleeve for the Note 3's S Pen optimization.

Most stock ROM's for the Note 2 do not include use of the S Pen. There are however a few exceptions, as you can research specific stock ROM's which do utilize the stylus. Samsung will likely demonstrate their next generation S Pen when announcing the Note 3. How it will operate with the system is yet to be determined, but we would venture to think it isn't all that different from the Note 2, which offers a great experience.

The Note 2 has seen an extraordinary amount of solid development in relation to ROM's, kernel's and more. Most of the builds and tweaks available for the handset are stable. With the imminent popularity of the Note 3, developers will line up to build solid ROM's, kernel's and other development for an even more comprehensive experience. The Note 3 will have more available features out of the box, and developers will take full advantage when optimizing fresh and unique builds. The ideas will flow and the growing community will continue to flourish.


The rear camera on the Note 2 is an 8 MP shooter with a 1.9 MP front facing cam. The Note 3 will likely sport a 13 MP rear camera with OIS (Optical Image Stabilization) with a 2.1 MP front facing camera. The Note 2 was an evolution of the Galaxy S3, with similar camera technology. The Note 3 is naturally an evolution of the Galaxy S4, which comes loaded with a 13 mega-pixel camera. Comparing them is no easy task, as they both provide solid experiences for all of your photography needs. On the camera software end, the Note 3 will be similar to the S4's offering, with dual picture and video recording and an array of features. With a higher resolution display and higher mega-pixel count, the Note 3 is clearly the winner in the camera department. If your smartphone camera is important to you and is used for your day to day photo taking needs, the difference may well in fact be worth the upgrade.

Availability and pricing

Samsung has saturated the market with their Galaxy line of handsets. The Note 2 is no exception, available for Verizon, AT&T, and T-Mobile in the US. The resale value of the Note 2 remains high, upwards of $480 in many cases. On contract however, you will still fork over anywhere between $99 to $199 depending on the model and retailer you purchase from. When originally released, the Note 2 was upwards of $299 on contract, and we expect the Note 3 to run about the same in pricing. T-Mobile offers their off contract pricing, which will likely see prices upwards of $199 down and $20 a month for 24 months on finance.

The Note 3 will likely be available on all carriers in different variants by the end of September or as late as early October. Because it will be available on nearly every major carrier, it gets the edge in availability. In terms of pricing, the Note 2 will be fire sold by the time the Note 3 is released. It will be a great buy for those looking to save money and believe the Note 2 offers enough bang for their buck.

The UK will likely receive the Note 3 before the US, as this has been the trend with Samsung handsets for a few years. The Note 1 was released internationally six months before it hit the states. The Note 2 saw similar release trends and the Note 3 will likely follow.

Is it worth the upgrade?

The Samsung Galaxy Note 2 changed the way we utilize our smartphone. With a 5.5 inch display, other handsets feel too small in comparison. Those who own the Note 2 swear by it, and they have valid reasoning. The Note 3 will be no exception, it will sell in record numbers and provide an even greater foothold for the South Korean giant. So is it worth upgrading if you currently own a Galaxy Note 2? If you must have the latest and greatest with guaranteed future proof specs and better hardware, it is absolutely worth upgrading. If you are the average user who is content with your current offering, than maybe you are better off waiting. In either case, both phones provide a comprehensive and unique experience to the end user. As long as Samsung continues building on that success, everyone will remain content with their purchase.

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Head back to school with Drive: Student Edition

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
Guest posted by Alex Nagourney

Alex Nagourney is a 2013 graduate of Wellesley College. She was a 2011 Google BOLD intern and a Google Student Ambassador from 2011-2013. She currently lives in New York City.

Summer is coming to an end, which for college students usually means the end of a grueling internship, a road-trip or cross-country flight back to campus, embracing friends you have not seen in months, and, oh yeah, that other tiny detail: the start of classes.

With so much else going on — friends, extracurriculars, sports — students today need to be as efficient and productive as possible when they dedicate time to studying and doing homework. In this age of internet transformation, Gen Y is more tech savvy than ever before, and we expect online education to meet our technology standards.

The purpose (and hope) of this blog post is to give a few examples of how I used — and benefitted from — Google Docs, Slides, and Forms in college.

Example 1: Have a group project? Stay calm, cool, and collected. Docs make collaboration easy!

If you have ever had to work on a group paper or project, you know how cumbersome and inefficient the process can be. There are two ways to go about accomplishing this task: (1) your group sends 173 emails trying to coordinate a time at which everyone is available to meet or (2) each person writes a portion of the paper and the group tries to synthesize uncoordinated chunks of different writing styles into one cohesive paper, which always ends with one Type A student editing the entire thing. Luckily, there is now an option 3, and it’s called Google Docs.

To start using Docs, just open a doc, share it with the group members, and write. It’s that simple. Having the ability to work together in the cloud means no coordinating schedules, no wasting time on multiple revisions, and no unequal division of group member contributions.

For example, when I had to complete a group paper for an Economics class, my two groupmates and I decided we would each write one-third of the paper. We put our respective portions into a single document and then went through each other’s writing, adding comments and correcting errors when necessary.
Example 2: Google Slides. Enough Said.

Presentations are an inevitable college assignment. Whether you are a history or physics major, you cannot escape this task. Before using Slides, the process of creating presentations was inefficient, awkward (so...what should we put on this slide…?) and time-consuming.

For one of my physics laboratory experiments, my partner was an exchange student from France. While we understood each other in the lab by scribbling Greek letters and numbers to solve problems, at times it was difficult to communicate since English wasn’t her first language. So when we had to create our presentation, it sounded like a grueling task for both of us.

We decided to use Slides, divide the work, add notes, and edit together from within the presentation. Our communication was clear and efficient when we typed comments to each other since we could take our time to be articulate, which virtually dissolved our language barrier. In the end, creating the presentation was quite enjoyable; we were proud of the final product and our professors were impressed by how well we worked together.

Example 3: Using Forms to organize information and make it universally accessible and useful...sound familiar?

Being a full-time student and an active member of an extracurricular activity (sport, club, fraternity/sorority, etc.) can sometimes feel like a full-time job. It requires teamwork, organization, time-management, and dedication.

Being the leader of a group demands more: writing agendas, scheduling meetings, organizing fundraisers, and sticking to a budget. Keeping track of all of these items can be difficult, as each task requires different resources — email, documents, spreadsheets, polls, and more.

As the house president of a 165-student residence hall for two years, I struggled to keep track of it all, but after switching to Forms, the whole process became seamless.

For our fundraiser, my house sold over 300 t-shirts to the student body. Because of the high quantity, we utilized a pre-order process in which students could order their size/color and pay in advance. Before we had Google Forms, we used a paper form to collect pre-orders (I still try to block out all those hours spent inputting the paper orders into my computer!).

Not only did using a form make it easier to collect pre-orders, it also made it easier to distribute the order form. As a result, our pre-orders increased by 40% in one year! The form did all of the heavy lifting for me. Orders were seamlessly filed into a spreadsheet, and I simply had to click “Show summary of responses” to place the order, making my job easier and freeing up time so that I could focus on other aspects of my role as a leader.
So there you have it, three examples of how using Docs, Slides, and Forms in college made me more efficient, saved me time, and increased my productivity. For those of you about to begin a new semester, good luck!

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Critical Missions: SPACE v3003 Apk Android

Posted by Unknown Minggu, 25 Agustus 2013 0 komentar

Critical Missions: SPACE delivers the nostalgic fast paced FPS gaming experience on your Android devices. Enjoy the smooth and customizable touch controls and play the cross-platform first-person shooter!
Critical Missions: SPACE is is a cross-platform First-Person shooter online multiplayer game where players are able to compete against each other on web and mobile platforms.

- Cross-platform 3D First-Person Shooter MMO: beat players from other mobile platforms
- Multiplayer Mode: Local network and Servers Globally (USA, Europe, Japan and Asia)
- Single Player Mode: Player vs. Customizable Alien Bots
- Smooth and Responsive Customizable Touch Controls (--> Game menu - Settings - User Interface - Edit HUD)
- Six Game Types: Classic, Team Death Match (TDM), Alien Mode, Alien Match, Survival, Death Match, Juggernaut and Capture The Flag (CTF)
- Customizable settings
- Dozens of pre-installed and downloadable unique maps

Click Here To Download
Direct Download Link - Direct Download Link

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Real Racing 3 1.3.0_na [Unlimited Money] Apk Android

Posted by Unknown Sabtu, 24 Agustus 2013 0 komentar
Real Racing 3 Apk AndroidReal Racing 3 Apk Android

Hyper-realistic. Pure fun. Real Racing 3 sets a new standard for mobile racing games – it really must be experienced to be believed.

Trailblazing new features include officially licensed tracks, an expanded 22-car grid, and over 45 meticulously detailed cars from makers like Porsche, Lamborghini, Dodge, Bugatti, and Audi. Plus, racing with friends gets kicked into another dimension with the reality-bending Time Shifted Multiplayer™ (TSM) technology.

Featuring Real Racing’s largest roster of cars yet, don’t miss our new manufacturers like Porsche, Lamborghini, Dodge, Bugatti, and Audi. Take the wheels of over 45 intensely detailed racers and test your skills on an authentic 22-car race grid – for the first time on mobile.

In another first for the Real Racing series, burn rubber on a full lineup of real tracks in multiple configurations from top locations around the world, including Mazda Raceway Laguna Seca, Circuit de Spa-Francorchamps, Silverstone, Hockenheimring, and many more.

Like nothing you’ve seen before, our innovative new Time Shifted Multiplayer™ lets you race anyone, anytime – even if they’re offline! Every career event is filled with fully interactive AI-controlled time-shifted versions of your Game Center or Facebook friends, as well as other players from around the world.

Compete in over 900 events like cup races, eliminations, endurance challenges, and drag races. Upgrade your car parts to maximize performance. See the action through a variety of camera angles and fine-tune the controls to your personal preference.

Powered by the remarkable new Mint™ 3 Engine, Real Racing 3 features persistent car damage, fully functioning rear view mirrors, and dynamic reflections for a super-enhanced racing reality. Enjoy a rich, next-gen game with the most advanced cross-platform social and competitive racing community ever. Real Racing 3 delivers it all.

Data: SDcard/Android/data or Download data via wifi

Click Here To Download

APK File
Direct Download Link - Direct Download Link

SD Data Files
Direct Download Link - Direct Download Link

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Asphalt 7: Heat by Gameloft v1.1.1 APK + Data Android

Posted by Unknown Jumat, 23 Agustus 2013 0 komentar

Hit the speed of heat in the newest, fastest, most visually stunning edition of the famed Asphalt series.

Drive 60 different cars from the world’s most prestigious manufacturers, like Ferrari, Lamborghini and Aston Martin, including the legendary DeLorean.

Gear up to race on 15 tracks set in real cities around the world, including brand new tracks in Hawaii, Paris, London, Miami and Rio.

The completely revamped multiplayer lets you take on up to 5 of your friends locally or online. Keep track of who’s the best with the new Asphalt Tracker that lets you compare stats, show off achievements and challenge rivals. You can also find new online opponents with the matchmaking system. Practice hard, because there are special events that will pit you against the best in the world!

Play however you please with 6 different game modes packed with 15 leagues and 150 different races.

Every car and track is more beautiful than ever thanks to graphics that push the limits of your device.

Acclaimed by both media and players, the Asphalt franchise has already attracted several million players worldwide... Come and join the ride!

-Remove previous APK
-Install APK
-Copy '' folder to 'sdcard/Android/Obb/' 

-Copy '' file to 'sdcard/Android/Obb/' folder
-Launch the game (Run online@ 1st run)

*Do not restore data taken from any previous version with Titanium backup!
*You should uninstall any existing version before install this new version!

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