5 things to check before buying new android mobiles

Posted by Unknown Sabtu, 27 Juli 2013 0 komentar
There are many important thing to check and see before buying new android mobiles to select a perfect android mobile.There are many thing to check in android mobile to pick a right mobile of your choice.If you love to game on android mobile then you have to check the specification of gaming requirement.So now i am going to help the people who are newer to android platform to pick the right mobile of their choice.I have listed the 5 important thing to check before buying a new android mobile 

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Processor : According to me processor is the main thing,whatever the platform of the mobile maybe but processor is the basic one for all.No one would likes to buy a mobile which lags a lot so check the processor of the android mobile before you buy.I suggest the people to go with minimum of 1 GHZ processor inorder to enjoy your work with your android mobiles without any lags

Battery : Battery is the one of the main problem that every android user face now a days. Inspite of paying huge amount of money it is very disappointed when your android battery performance is very poor.So have a main concern to your battery level when you decide to buy a new android smart phone.I suggest you to buy a mobile with 1400 mAh battery level (below 5000 rupees ) and 3000 mAh for high level smartphones

Internal storage : Internal storage of a mobile is a vital thing in a android mobiles.The more internal memory you have the more apps you install.You cannot install every app on your SD card ,there are some apps like whats up,Facebook,messenger that can be only installed in phone memory or internal memory.So make sure your new android smart phone have enough of internal memory.If the internal memory is low the phone starts to lag a lot.1GB of internal memory is good for budget level smartphone and 4GB would be great for your high level android smartphone

RAM and GPU : Do you know that RAM is more important than processor in android mobiles.Yes,Ram decides the performance of the mobile also it is the key feature for running any big games in your android mobile.If you have good RAM powered in your new android mobile then you could enjoy every android games.Next to RAM also take a look at the GPU of your mobile.GPU allows you to run any 3D or HD games on your mobile but just 200 MB of GPU is enough for any android mobile.GPU is like graphics card to your computer .The required RAM for good android mobile is 512MB (below 1000) 1GB (below 10000) 2GB (above 10000).

Also read :best gamming mobile in android 

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