Android 4.3 available for Galaxy S4

Posted by Unknown Selasa, 02 Juli 2013 0 komentar
Just how adventurous are you when it comes to “upgrading” to the latest OS – even if it’s still on beta? Last week, I was taken down a peg or two because I installed iOS 7 Beta 2 on my iPad. Contrary to my initial reaction – immediately roll back to iOS 6 – I still am on the iOS 7, but I learned enough not install this version on the iPhone 5. Now, if you’re an Android user, does it make a difference?
If you are an ultra early adopter, and if you’re NOT a developer, but you still like downloading early versions of operating systems, then you might want to give Android 4.3 a go. Oh, but you have to be using a Galaxy S4 (GT-I9505).
The early build of Android 4.3 was spotted by SAMMOBILE last week, and it looks like it is working pretty well.
Of course, early builds and unofficial releases always come with risks, and Android 4.3 is no exception. For one thing, downloading and installing this will require you to flash your ROM. Oh, and your warranty will be voided.
I can already see hardcore Apple users rolling their eyes, but then again, no fan boy or girl will be reading up to this point for sure.
In any case, while the topic of Android 4.3 was noticeably absent from this year’s I/O, this development is solid proof that we will be seeing the latest Android version available for public consumption soon enough.
Android 4.3
If you are adventurous enough, get the detailed instructions to download Android 4.3 here.
Word(s) of caution from SAMMOBILE, which I strongly feel we should reiterate – we wouldn’t want you saying we didn’t warn you enough in case things go south:
  • This is not flashable through Odin.
  • This will void your warranty.
  • Don’t attempt this if you don’t have the skills to flash a custom ROM.
  • You are doing this on your own risk.
Good luck!
[Images via Janitors and SAMMOBILE]
Judul: Android 4.3 available for Galaxy S4
Ditulis oleh Unknown
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