Facebook Official App for Windows 8.1

Posted by Unknown Selasa, 24 Desember 2013 0 komentar
Although Windows 8 has always had Facebook integrated in the OS Facebook has now released a proper app for those who are into that sort of thing. The app is being released on the same day as Windows 8.1 and is only compatible with the new version of Microsoft’s desktop operating system.
As you can see from the screenshot, the app looks similar to the web version of Facebook, but has a flat look to blend with the general UI design of Windows 8.1. It also supports Snap View so you can run it alongside other apps and with Windows 8.1 now improving the Snap View functionality by letting you adjust the size the apps take and having up to four apps on the screen simultaneously, this is going to come in handy.
The app is rolling out across regions so even if you’re running the preview build of Windows 8.1 you may not be able to download it right now but give the link below a try anyway.
Judul: Facebook Official App for Windows 8.1
Ditulis oleh Unknown
Rating Blog 5 dari 5
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