How to increase internal memory in android mobile and tablet

Posted by Unknown Sabtu, 28 Desember 2013 0 komentar

Hello friends I m here with New trick. This will help you to increase internal memory of your android mobile. Because some mobiles are comes with reserve internal memory. There is no option to install app in memory card. So you are unable to install more apps and you have to uninstall other apps. To solve this problem try this method.

  • Download and install Link2sd from playstore. Its free
  • Now you need to create partition of your sdcard.
  • To create partition use PC and download minitool partition wizard software.
  • Open minitool partition wizard and select your memory card to create partition.
  • To create partition backup your data from sdcard to pc.
  • now delete partition of your sdcard and create New partition. 
  • Right click on unallocated space and choose create. A New window will open saying "create New partition".
  • Select "primary" in create as, choose file system as "FAT32". And enter the size for sdcard data which you will use to store data like song,picture,videos etc. And clicj on ok.
  • Now you will see two partitions of your sbcard one is FAT32 and other is "unallocated".
  • So now right click on unallocated space and Select create. Now select Create as: "primary" and filesystem as: "ext2". And select available size and click on ok.
  • Now you have two partitions in your sdcard. One is fat32 and other is ext2. 
  • Click on apply button on the top of the screen.
  • it will take some time and done.
Watch screenshots for instructions below.
  • After creating partitions insert sdcard into your mobile and Open link2sd.
  • It will ask for superuser permissions so grant superuser permissions and it will show you a window to select partition.
  • select ext2 in that window and it will process a script to use that partition as internal memory. After few seconds it will show success. Please reboot your mobile.
  • Reboot your mobile. And done.
  • Now open link2sd to move already installed apps in sdcard partition.
  • Select app that you want to move to external sd card and choose create link. So it will move your apps to sdcard.
  • For automatically move future apps select automatically create link.
  • Done.

So you all think that why I have created two partitions and second partition is created as ext2 format. So in link2sd you have to select ext2 file format. Because android is linux and it supports only ext2,ext3,ext4 it doesnt support NTFS fike system as default file system. And ext2 is faster t

han ext3 and ext4,  therefore we have choose ext2 partition.
so when we install app it will goto that partition of your sdcard and doesnt use internal space of your mobile.
Judul: How to increase internal memory in android mobile and tablet
Ditulis oleh Unknown
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