Get $5 store credit on purchase from Amazon Appstore

Posted by Unknown Selasa, 24 Desember 2013 0 komentar
Amazon is giving away $5 store credit to app shoppers this holiday season. And all you have to do is download an app from their Appstore.
Amazon Appstore
To get the $5 store credit, all you have to do is go to the Amazon Appstore app on your Kindle Fire or any other compatible Android device and download any app, including a free one. You’ll soon get an email informing you that $5 credit has been added to your account, which can then be used to purchase more apps or games from the Amazon Appstore.
The credit is only available if you download the app or game from the latest version of the Appstore app. You only get the $5 credit once for every account and it expires after March 31, 2014 if not used. The offer itself ends on December 28, 2013, so you better hurry if you wish to avail it.
Judul: Get $5 store credit on purchase from Amazon Appstore
Ditulis oleh Unknown
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