TeamViewer For Android APK

Posted by Unknown Selasa, 10 Desember 2013 0 komentar

 You can via the Internet from any PC remote control PC software is well known for Team Viewer. Computer could only be controlled from the computer via Team Viewer . Now you can work with mobile .
Team Viewer remote control available  to the iPhone version and Windows version .  Team Viewer Is the Best Android Apps . There is a free version and the Pro version . There is a free version of the all Features here .  




1. The computer operating system (Windows, Mac, Linux) with the mobile bharsanera remote service works.
 2. These Apps can be used as a telephone call.
3. Any file that can be transferred to a computer or a mobile phone through the Apps.
4. Left click on the mobile version of the computer, right-click, drag-and-drop, scroll wheel and zoom feature.
5. What Special  with keyboard support such as ctrl, Alt .

6. Security systems have many features .

7. Can be Remote reboot of the system .
Judul: TeamViewer For Android APK
Ditulis oleh Unknown
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