Just a little over two months ago, we were all going gaga about the idea of sapphire screens, with a surprising (or not-so-surprising) readiness to say goodbye to good old trusty Gorilla Glass. Well, maybe not all of us, but the thought of sapphire screens more resistant than Gorilla Glass certainly caught the attention of a lot of people. But Corning, the makers of Gorilla Glass, is not taking this development sitting down. Recently, they made a huge statement – their latest, Gorilla Glass 3 is supposed to be a sapphire screen killer.
Corning Answers Sapphire With Gorilla Glass 3
Truth be told, as enticing the thought of sapphire screens are, it all revolves around the material’s potential. It hasn’t been tried and tested on a commercial scale unlike Gorilla Glass. Concept and potential are all well and good, but when it comes to commercial viability, the story just might take on a whole new direction.
Corning has released a feature highlighting Gorilla Glass 3, where it states unequivocally that sapphire screens are not seen as a threat. First, they point out improved performance, which all users want.
Corning® Gorilla® Glass 3 with Native Damage Resistance™ is the third generation of the world’s leading cover glass. This latest version provides improved scratch resistance and durability, enabling new device designs and improving the user experience.
Next, they target sapphire and its weakness, especially compared to Gorilla Glass.
“Sapphire’s performance as a cover for high-end watches probably leads to the current speculation.  But those covers are much smaller than a mobile phone and are two to three times thicker than Gorilla Glass.  In one of our commonly accepted strength tests, sapphire breaks more easily than Gorilla Glass after the same simulated use.  Additionally, sapphire’s cost and environmental hit are huge issues.
One new thing that has come to my attention is the possible environmental impact of the use of sapphire screens. That should hit a nerve, what with environment consciousness being the trend.
Check out this video showing just how good Gorilla Glass 3 is.
[Image via geekygyaan]