Microsoft blogs about negative media reports targeting Windows 8!

Posted by Unknown Senin, 13 Mei 2013 0 komentar

Microsoft has made an interesting post on their official blog. They are responding to thecontinues negative press that Windows 8 is getting in the online media.
Microsoft highlighted the always connected world we live in where it is easy for anyone to post a personal opinion to a very large audience.
The company said:
In this world where everyone is a publisher, there is a trend to the extreme – wherethose who want to stand out opt for sensationalism and hyperbole over nuanced analysis. In this world where page views are currencyheat is often more valued than light. Stark black-and-white caricatures are sometimes more valued than shades-of-gray reality.
Microsoft added that shipping 100 million copies of a product (Windows 8) is a pretty good achievement. Yet media continues to call it a failure. They said:
Windows 8 is a good product, and it’s getting better every day. Unlike a can of soda, a computer operating system offers different experiences to different customers to meet different needs, while still moving the entire industry toward an exciting future of touch, mobility, and seamless, cross-device experiences. We are going to keep improving Windows 8, as we do with all our products, making what’s good even better.
Here are some of the third party reports Microsoft mentioned -
Judul: Microsoft blogs about negative media reports targeting Windows 8!
Ditulis oleh Unknown
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