Access Google Keep with the new Chrome app

Posted by Unknown Kamis, 02 Mei 2013 0 komentar
Last month, Google Keep launched to help you quickly jot down ideas and keep track of things while on the go with your Android device or on the web. Today, with the launch of a new Chrome app, Google Keep is even easier to access on your computer using Chrome.

The Google Keep Chrome app launches in its own window, so you can create notes, cross out your to-do lists, and attach photos to tasks while you work on other things. And if you don’t have an internet connection, don’t fret: the Chrome app works offline because we all know that ideas (big and small) can be sparked at any time.
You can visit the Chrome Web Store to add the app today (use the link, you won’t find it in search)!

Happy note taking!

Posted by Eddy Mead, Software Engineer
Judul: Access Google Keep with the new Chrome app
Ditulis oleh Unknown
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