Posted by Unknown Sabtu, 25 Mei 2013 0 komentar
I Am sure this post going to be interesting a one because I am going to talk about GOOGLE GLASS .Have you ever heard about this word Google Glass??Its a new product from the great company Google and it stunned millions of peoples and programmers.Soon it going to be launched in India at the  end of 2013.Lets have look at the Google Glass and some of its features.

Google glass review and features

Google Glass-Features:

Take instant pictures: At anywhere and any time you can take instant pictures with Google Glass.All you need to do is just say "Take a picture".Now its very simple and easy to take pictures anywhere and at any time with Google Glass

Record and share whatever you see : Now its possible with Google Glass to record every thing you see and you can also share it with your friends and social networks

Get directions : where ever you go you can get directions from Google Glass just in front of you .No need of any map Google Glass will guide you with voice commend

Get answer for everything : Its now very simple for you to get answer with the help of Google Glass.Ask anything and sure you will get can also send instant voice messages.You can also translate your voice to whatever language you want

I am very much exited about this product from Google.Features of Google Glass is limitless and I mentioned very few out of it.Please leave us feedback about this post in the comment below.

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